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Posts Tagged with "Strong Beautiful Barnard Women"

Are you surrounded by roses and condoms and candy today and itching for some love to go along with it? See if one of our fine young eligibles strikes your fancy on this Valentine’s Day — nothing says “spontaneity” like asking one of them out via very late tonight. Meet Christopher Vela and Shelley […]

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WTF Does SGA Do?

About forty inquisitive minds gathered in the Diana Center Event Oval on Tuesday night to discuss WTF Barnard SGA actually does, since it knows that you don’t know the answer. Duchess of Doing It Renée Kraiem was there to find out whether SGA itself knows. Amid the opening of Diet Coke cans and the enjoying of […]

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Bold-Faced Truths

It takes boldness to be a Barnard woman. It takes fearlessness. It takes an unlimited data plan, and still having a Blackberry. Only the bold get coffee. Only the bold get knowledge. Barnard women: if you can’t read the text below, text your boldest moment to 330c5890 or 330c5af by Thursday at 5 pm to […]

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Last week, we posted some salacious screenshots of the Columbia Class of 2016 Facebook page. This morning we received the following in an email tip from a prefroshbear reader (props!): So I saw the post about the Columbia Class of 2016 facebook page. It was pretty funny, but those posts have nothing on the stuff […]

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House of Lies premiered last Sunday night, and nestled in between raunchy lesbian bathroom sex and unbridled elitism was this little gem of an exchange. You might think it sounds familiar, and you’d be right—the ‘ole “is Barnard part of Columbia?” debate has found its way onto a national stage. Skip ahead to 24:00. Bwog is […]

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Ever wonder the critical reasoning process of certain Barnard students? Fret no more! Bwog’s resident cartoonist Julia Stern can take you on her comic tour of  a stream of consciousness fueled by gender equality, sex seminars, and Margaret Mead. In Julia’s “Grin and Bear It” cartoon series— based on the MyLifeIsBarnard Twitter feed, watch how […]

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Think your life is Barnard? Well, there’s no knowing for sure until you cross reference it against the itemized guide below, inspired by the Twitter account and brought to life by Cartoon Architect and Sensational Satirist Julia Stern:

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We have a new concept space on campus, hot on the heels of the Zen Garden. A recent email from DSpar on Barnard’s renovations included the following message: “Thanks to the faculty and students in the Architecture Department, Altschul Atrium is newly reconfigured as The Hive. It’s an innovative space divided into lounge, meeting, and […]

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SPANX For Reading

Our very own Barnard went viral this week when a student got particularly expressive via a laundry room note to a strong, beautiful peer who stole a pair of SPANX. For those of you who are male or have naturally flat stomachs—note to the latter: we hate you—SPANX are spandex that one may wear underneath clothing […]

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As Confucius once said, “Well behaved women rarely make history… or orgasms!” Except Confucius didn’t actually ever say that. But the Well Women did! Tonight they’re hosting an event in honor of Women’s History Month called Naughty Girls’ Night In, featuring open discussion about female sexual pleasure, sex toy presentations, and more. To stay in with […]

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The Athena Film Festival took place at Barnard this weekend, and when Bwog heard that Greta Gerwig, BC ’06, of Greenberg fame, was going to be there, we just had to stop by. Lily Icangelo reports from “A Hollywood Conversation With Greta Gerwig.” Greta Gerwig is a lovely human being and I want her to […]

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Feel like celebrating something this weekend? Is that thing women? And also leadership? Conveniently for you, then, Barnard is hosting its inaugural “Athena Film Festival:  A Celebration of Women and Leadership” today through Sunday. Although the film screenings aren’t free, they’re cheap (most tickets are $5).  Plus, after it’s over, you’ll get to tell people […]

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Lily Icangelo satirically explains why horror, bemusement, and brunchfoods go hand in hand at Barnard’s traditional last-night-before-finals feast. Midnight Breakfast is as absolutely terrifying as it is incredibly awesome. Walking into a crowded gym of highly stressed out, type-A personality, sleep-deprived girls? So, SO scary. The nervous energy that fills LeFrak Gym during Midnight Breakfast […]

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The Strong Beautiful Barnard Woman is questioned and found wanting. Real college life ≠ TV “college life”. Shocker. Filth in the kitchen is bad. Bureaucracy is worse. No, we do not need a travel guide to find our way out of Morningside.

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Maybe you can win the Marshall, too! The indiscernible likelihood that Barnard women will stay strong, connected, beautiful, bold while waiting for the Nexus It isn’t easy being green Laughing as a evolutionary relic. LOL On the defense, for Israel Bonus: Video on gentrification (yes, a video)  

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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