We at Bwog decided to show our diplomatic side for the day by inviting the former Editor in Chief of Spectator, Catie Edmondson, to come give us wisdom! We’re all ears, Catie! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Catie Edmondson, Barnard, English, Appleton, Wisconsin. Claim to fame: Editor in Chief of Spectator Where are you going? Diving headfirst […]
The Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia and Barnard’s lovable weekly “daily newspaper” and perpetual op-ed machine, is to shortly move out from their old building at 2875 Broadway, which was located between 111th and 112th—conveniently adjacent to the Heights. According to an email sent earlier this evening to Spectator alumni, which is appended below, “the landlord has asked the […]
Barnard President Debora Spar responds to recent student and faculty concerns regarding this year’s commencement speaker in a letter to-the-editor published on the Spectator website late this afternoon. Spar says that hearing from students and faculty about the lack of diversity in commencement speakers has pushed her office to begin working with the medalists who […]
fbv807: “Abby, Michael, and Steven announcing the exciting next phase of @columbiaspec at an all-staff meeting: it will be the first Ivy paper to drop its print edition in favor of a web-first journalism reality. Paper will print weekly starting fall 2014.” Spec is currently holding a huge meeting in its office. According to a […]
In this installment of “In Defense Of,” Julia Goodman protests the protest of protests. We promise this article will be way easier to read (and way more enjoyable) than that just was. Yesterday, a disturbing editorial ran in the Spectator entitled “Make protesting pragmatic.” It opens with the observation that “campus protests have become less […]
Update 2: Jade is no longer a Speccie. Spec just updated their editors’ note to add that “we have absolutely no tolerance for plagiarism, and Jade’s relationship with Spectator has been terminated.” Update: Bonacolta’s position, according to Spec’s printed masthead, is currently Arts & Entertainment Associate, which is apparently the 3rd (and lowest) tier of editors […]
Eli Sanders, CC ’99, just won a Pulitzer for his harrowing feature, “The Bravest Woman in Seattle,” in the Seattle weekly, The Stranger. Bwog called him to figure out how journalism works. Bwog: So what was your major? Eli: Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, I don’t know if they have that anymore. MEALAC? Bwog: […]
A few issues of Spectator remain to be released, but Speccies celebrated the end of their year Tuesday night in considerable style. For the annual Spec Dinner, our campus broadsheet (whose facebook group, incidentally, has 175 more members than The Blue and White’s) rented out the private rooms of 420, a swanky bar on 80th […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025