In her final Art Hum class of the year, silver nugget prof Dr. Christina Ferando presented a PowerPoint on “The Take-Away Lessons of Art Humanities.” It was a stirring culminating lecture that truly summarized the course. Now we present to you some parts of her final lecture, as a study guide of sorts.
Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already studying for your Lit Hum final! In honor of the big test, we’re recycling this gem of a post. Below, Bwog presents a playlist of songs with references to glorious works of our literary past from the second semester of the Lit Hum syllabus. ‘Njoy! The Beatles, “I […]
Still cramming for LitHum and CC? Did you fall asleep last night before you could finish reading Crime and Punishment? Bwog is here to help with another oldie-but-goodie from reading periods past. It all began when Bwog overheard this conversation: Freshman Girl: Hey, so how did Pride and Prejudice end? Freshman Boy: Oh, they get […]
Bwog shines equally favorably on all cretins of the Core. We did it for CC, and oh, okay, since you insist, Lit Hum gets a bone too. Way back when, a few Bwoggers converted several thousands of pages of reading into limericks—the perfect size for you to memorize in between a breakfast of Red Bull and […]
We’re confident you know the canon inside and out, but it’s our duty as you scramble together your mechanical pencils, graphing calculator, and Naked protein shakes (you never know…) to remind you that holy shit! You forgot something: Update: Okay fine, but we always post this! Sorry to play tricks on you, but we hope […]
The learning starts today. Gather with philosopher queen Christia Mercer (substitute for Lit Hum legend Gareth Williams in the graph) to pore over the Iliad that you’ve all finished weeks ago! Head over to Lerner, the big glass thing, at 2:30. Graphic by Jon Hill
It all began when Bwog overheard this conversation: Freshman Girl: Hey, so how did Pride and Prejudice end? Freshman Boy: Oh, they get married. FG: Really? Like her and Darcy? FB: Like yeah. How did you get into this school anyway? We realized that many of you Freshman and Sophomore types might not have had […]
Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already studying for your Lit Hum final! It seems like just yesterday when you were loading taxidermy rodents into your blue bins. In honor of the big test, we’re recycling this gem of a post, and adding a few updates. Below, Bwog presents a playlist of songs with references to […]
Okay so you’re basically not allowed on campus again until after graduation, and now you’re all mopey because Snoop is gone from your life and you have nine papers due tomorrow. Good news, friends! Snoop may not be comin’ back, but we have it on the best authority that there are three (3) lovely destinations […]
We’ve got you covered! Good luck, sophomores and anyone else fortunate enough to take the CC final today!
…for which not even the gods could cram. Hark, freshpeople! Way back when, a few Bwoggers converted several thousands of pages of reading into limericks—the perfect size for you to memorize in between sips of Red Bull and Pepsi Max. Read on for anapests aplenty! Homer, The Iliad Achilles, the raging Achaean, Agamemnon’s war plans […]
Last year Bwog brought you a Limerick Lit Hum study guide, and this year Procrastinator Extraordinaire Carolyn Ruvkun provides you with a playlist of songs with references to glorious works of our literary past from the second semester of the Lit Hum syllabus. ‘Njoy! The Beatles, “I Am the Walrus“ This Beatles classic sparked the […]
The approach of midterms week means Dante’s Inferno is to be found in the sweaty hands of freshmen this week. Urban Spelunker Gavin McGown was not content to simply flip pages: he was jonesing to explore! Mudd’s basement is a dark and terrifying world Dante surely would have assigned to heathens and traitors. Huddled as […]
Bwog remembers its very first final exam as a first-year. As a service to our youngest readers, Bwog staff and friends have compiled summaries of Lit Hum books…in limerick form! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s very special CC study guide. The Iliad Achilles, the raging Achaean, Agamemnon’s war plans was derailin’. For the city of Troy, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025