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Posts Tagged with "The 2009 Housing Lottery: Your Best Mistake Ever!"

So you caught a break when Housing decided to give you until 11 this morning to get your group’s proverbial shit together. But you didn’t, and now that convoluted-as-hell deadline for putting together your ideal Room Selection group has officially passed.  That means you are now procrastinating a trip to 125 Hartley 125 Wallach to […]

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Housing: It Lies

That snickering you hear coming out of 125 Wallach is the Housing Office enjoying its latest joke. You may think room registration for next year ends tomorrow at 5:00, since that’s what it says on the calendar, but that’s only for the lonely. If you’re entering as a group, your deadline is 5:00 today 11:00 […]

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Yesterday, we noted that the 2008-09 housing cutoffs remained unposted, and shared our skepticism that they’d be up in time for the start of registration tomorrow. Credit where credit is due, though: Housing called our bluff, and the housing cutoffs are now posted.  As for what the numbers say: Broadway exterior singles and Ruggles were […]

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Housing Lottery registration is only two days away, and yet, as several commenters and tipsters have noted, 2008-09 cutoff histories still have not been uploaded to Housing’s website. What gives? Bwog phoned Housing and Dining, and was told to check the website “in the next few days.” Then again, the lottery bulletin board has had […]

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Housing buzz began this afternoon in earnest when prospective Living-Learning Center residents were emailed acceptance and rejection letters from Scott Helfrich, the Associate Director of Residential Programs. Helfrich, the man who determines the fates of rising sophomores determined not to end up in the McBain shaft and a few juniors and seniors who presumably just […]

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 – Photo via Columbia College Today As the calendar hits the end of Februrary, Columbia’s favorite early spring ritual approaches. No, not actaully using the lawns – it’s Housing Lottery time! According to this year’s calendar, Greek rosters and LLC registration are next week, while room selection registration runs from March 7-11. For those of […]

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New Survey Alert

The ladies (and gentlemen) of Barnard ResLife are looking for input from BC students in the form of a new online survey. The survey comes on the brink of a recent Town Hall meeting, at which several *significant* changes [emphasis theirs] to this spring’s room selection process were proposed.    Barnard’s put up an enormous […]

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