Name, Hometown, School, Major: Amanda Cormier. San Diego, California. CC. English! Claim to Fame? I convinced everyone on The Eye, Spec’s magazine, to pose naked one time. They still let me run the damn thing, which indicates just how crazy everyone at Spec really is. Where are you going? I’m staying right here! For a little […]
Last year, we posted excerpts from a Harvard Crimson editorial, “I Am Fine,” and you responded with extraordinary sympathy and support in the comments. Two stories from the most recent of the edition of The Eye, written by Wilfred Chan, CC’13, and Sarah Ngu, CC’12, similarly resonated with us. You can read an abridged version below, […]
Because your Sarah Palin idea has officially jumped the shark (also, yowza–>) Get your black lipstick, it’s time to go Goth-Loli Woe to the theater! You’re showing your age. You are now one degree of removal closer to Tina Fey No love for Martin Sheen
Look where I was this summer! Some photos of paintings on walls Now a little less than half of life is just showing up First Ladies: the Wardrobe Change We Need! An editors intro about Sept. 11: because nothing else is…
“Hoyt believes that he got into Columbia because of baseball and he’s probably right.” A student on Spiegelman’s Comics Marching into the Canon seminar, and this web-only interview Café East, it’s “East” of…the Hudson River (Locke + Hume + Rousseau + Burke) x Matthew Fox) = we’ve been waiting
We like blogs. Apparently, other people like them too. In its incessant web surfing, Bwog came across a couple new kids on the block: Editor Josh – Ever wanted to know what Spec news editors think about constantly, unceasingly, all day every day? One of them has started a blog to give a little more […]
Score One for Us – Greek Recruitment Generally Wholesome SEAS Shot Glasses On The Way (Finally!!!!) A Garden Variety Critique That Historians Should Stick to History Towards a Super-Sexual Theory of the State Postscrypt: Chilling Out, Maxing, Relaxing All Cool Aspiring Dentists (hehehe) In an S&M Club, Is Everyone Each Other’s Valentine? Web-Only: Interview […]
You’re likely wearing sweatpants and a shirt from the book store right now, but no matter! The Eye wants to bring the glamour and flash of Fashion Week to your slobbish form, and they’ve launched a special website (of which they are super proud) to do so. And, in the category of another thing “a lot of people (but probably […]
In which the word “Sexy”- as in, with a capital “s”- is employed to great effect Hipster artist superstar (no, really) in our midst Oh no, oh God, please no more $170 for a gift for Mom? Whatever happened to a handprint with a poem? We’ve all seen the posters, now here’s the straight dope […]
Gay GSers… they’re people! Yet another attempt to get our asses out of Roti Roll, Pinnacle New Yorker’s Gopnik on beauty, art, life Canadian victims of backlash against “The [noun]s” bands still alive and well
A Project Runway party sounds like a good excuse for cosmos, and who doesn’t like sake at an “Asian tea party?” And everyone knows going to clubs is only fun when you’re trashed. Oh, wait, did we miss the point? Whichever dude said “what’s in a name?” had obviously not met Ultimate Fighting champ Tom […]
“By searching for Columbia’s vestiges of patriotism, we may feel as if we are playing a game of Where’s Waldo with a Rand McNally map.” Borat may mock misogyny, anti-Semitism, and racism by overtly exhibiting these traits, and he might grossly stereotype an actual Central Asian country to the point that their government has issued […]
Insert Manhattanville joke after headline Hey, Cold War Kids, I bet your practice pad in LA didn’t actually look like a Third World country. It didn’t? It had Pottery Barn furniture? Yeah, we’re psychic. Little Miss Sunshine as the zenith of independent movies Just remember, in the end, everyone will be too drunk to notice […]
Bwog forgot about The Eye last week. But we suppose that other people didn’t…so the EyePoke returns! Cute profiles of random subway stops- with ratings! Something for the gay hipster in all of us Meet Barry Bergdoll, soon to be MoMA curator Something we’d prefer not to think about
Oh! The trials and tribulations of being a self-hating elitist! Good Will Hunting and that kid who played that guy in Growing Pains answer three (3) questions posed by college journalists Fishbowling the evangelists An article about hating articles about hating Facebook
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025