Ever wondered why your friends’ UNIs are all super cool and yours is lame? Or vice versa? So have we. There’s not much rhyme or reason to the assignment process, it turns out. Senior staffer Sarah Dahl got the scoop from Chris Dowden, Directory of Identity and Access Management for the Columbia Information Security Office. […]
Now: Didn’t get into that sorority? Try your luck with another, better sorting system – Pottermore’s sorting quiz is back! (Buzzfeed) April: Game of Thrones comes back for its sixth season on April 24, and according to Sophie Turner, “this season is a really, really big one for Sansa. It’s probably her best season yet.” (Entertainment […]
Registration for Spring 2014 is almost upon us. While for most people that means putting the finishing touches on their perfectly balanced schedule (right???) for Bwog that means frantically looking for an extra-esoteric class to add to our already bizarre course load. If everything next semester just seems too normal for you, there are some…eclectic…options […]
Tipster Ron G. sends us these screenshots from the latest episode of Futurama. The school has everything from iconic gates… …to red-brick, neoclassical buildings and the Van Am tholos … …to cheap tuition. But Columbia(c) is not the first university to be featured on Futurama. A few weeks ago, an episode set in the sewers […]
Graduation is approaching, the future is looming. The thought of what comes after has begun haunting the mind of many an undergrad (maybe). And if you’re planning on remaining in the nurturing arms of New York, that’s one more future you need to worry about. In a burst of curiosity, contemporary urban explorer Angel Jiang […]
Though this article refers to real people who live in apartments, the same logic holds true for dorms. Stop buzzing signing in random “Columbia students”—they could be robbing you blind! (City Room) Gamers, don’t let the Man tell you World of Warcraft is lame—it could help you find love. (NYT) A leaked memo from the […]
Hey there, CC 2013, how’s it going? That’s good, glad to hear it. Do you know what your major is? Because major declaration is today, that’s why. Really, major declaration is today. Deep breaths, all you have to do is pick a major. Just open up the course bulletin to a random page and see […]
Down: Drug Dealing – Police in Queens have announced a major undercover drug bust in Queens that netted 62 arrests. No word on why they decided to call it “Operation: Stampede” but the graphic is cute. (Gothamist) Up: Shakespearean Theatre – New Yorkers love Shakespeare, judging by the number of Shakespearean plays being performed in […]
A full report from the SGA Town Hall on recognition for Barnard Greek Life will be up tomorrow morning, but we wanted to let you know not to expect a solution to the dilemma just yet; Bwog’s been informed that a decision will be reached “by the end of the semester.”
In the name of frightening beginnings and questionable progress, Mark Hay, Bwog’s resident expert on movies, hotdogs, and the relations between the two, brings back his Netflix column with three film recommendations. Would it be trite to use the start of the school year as the basis for a(nother) list of recommendations of coming-of-age films? […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025