The War on Fun is bringin’ you down. You have two options: drink 40’s somewhere else, or promise yourself that, without a doubt, you will never give a penny to this god awful place as long as you live. Senior Fund and its awkward propaganda be damned! Well, unless you’re too cool for mimicking Obama’s […]
Hey, ’09! Don’t forget that today (as in “right now”), your new and improved 40s on 40 will be on the steps. It’s called “Senior Playpen,” a subtle way of reminding you that Columbia still thinks you’re eight years old. So go celebrate your last few weeks of being a quasi-child by getting crazy in what is literally a […]
Sure, seniors may be looking at the worst job market in decades, but at least they have some of Columbia’s fun senior traditions to look forward to! Or, you know, not. The administration’s “War on Fun” campaign looks to be well on its way to destroying a proud senior pastime, as sources tell Bwog that […]
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