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Posts Tagged with "tomo"

But what is Mel’s Burger Bar? It’s not even on teh Googles! Bwog hopes they have burgers like this. We’ll keep you posted on when Mel will officially open when we get word. Thanks to Mariela Quintana for the bovine-tip.

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B&W editor and Bwog tipster Mariela Quintana poses a question that even we can’t answer: Who took the baby that the stork dropped off in front of Tomo?

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Good news for everyone feeling the dearth of sit-down Japanese:  Tomo, is set to defy death and open, as originally postulated, in Swish’s old spot at 2955 Broadway “in the next two weeks,” according to that lovably-unpronounceable foodie zeitgeist, the Zagat Survey. The phones of both Tomo and Swish rang on ad infinitum, so Bwog can’t […]

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Two restaurants, over easy, with a side of conflict Flip-flop flap jacks Student-roasted turkey with in-the-red peppers Huevos desnudos, comes with no dressing Game Day chili made with bacon. Mmm, bacon…

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Oh noes! Bwog tipster Rachael McMillan just let us know, horrified, that Tomo is going to close — permanently — next Sunday. A quick call to the hostess on duty revealed that their lease is up, and so is rent. The rent increase is “like, a lot” and they will not be able to continue […]

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Many of you have notified us (and Spec reported earlier) that Swish has suddenly closed, though only temporarily. Some speculated it might be for health code violations, while others chalked it up to a changing look. Bwog tipster Zack Sheppard suggests it may be closer to the latter, and the changes will be culinary as […]

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Welcome to the first in a series of analyses designed to determine the best in a category of chosen food product! In the coming weeks, we’ll be taking a critical eye toward such controversial delicacies as ice cream, espresso, bagels and margaritas. But today, we’re going to talk a little bit about miso soup, and […]

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