You better not get lost on the subway after reading this.
Columbia offers a free shuttle service to ID-holders and affiliates, providing transportation through Morningside Heights, Harlem, Washington Heights, Fort Lee, and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
If you don’t feel like going to class, there’s still plenty for you to do today. You missed a chance to bike through New York City with Kenneth Jackson’s History of New York class, although you may consider motorcycling. (WSJ, NYPost) Speaking of pedaling, Columbia’s decided to moderate staff benefit cuts it announced in April. […]
The MTA has no money, but is using its no-money to make these little robot machines called subway indicators all along the 1 line (that’s the “red line” to you, Class of 2014) this summer. Until they actually take away Unlimited Metrocards, we’re not complaining, because this is a fantastic device that allows you to […]
Passengers are still stranded, sweaty, and discontented along nearly every subway line, as the city recovers from this morning’s as-of-yet unconfirmed tornado. People are still waiting in droves for buses and taxis or walking across the city’s bridges and Mayor Bloomberg has canceled his entire morning to no doubt assess damage to homes and trees in Brooklyn. Send Bwog the story of your wacky commute! We want […]
Reading it in print may be archaic, but today there’s a reason to pick up the New York Times — an insert with a free wallet size fold-out bus and subway map. As of 6 minutes ago, there were still some copies left in Lerner. And an hour ago, there were sandwiches, cupcakes, chips, music, […]
Remember coming to Columbia and thinking that you would do fun, exciting things in the city? Right, we don’t either. But tonight, there is an opportunity to redeem yourself: What: A party in the subway! When: 1 AM tonight (Thursday night/Friday morning) Where: Downtown Q Platform, 34th Street/Herald Square Station Theme: EXTREME LOVE (Dress accordingly) […]
Today, the admissions office sent off admissions letters to all those eager Columbia wannabees. Bwog asks the important question: Admission Letter, Where are You?
If the Bwog had one wish for February, it would be for the owner of the Schermerhorn bike to come forward. At least they’ve found a better use for PVC pipe than some people.
Last night some bastards stole the antlers off Destroyer! bus! Unacceptable.
Wednesday night we reported on the appearance of Destroyer! bus on 114th alongside Carman. Since Tuesday signs have been up saying parking on that side of 114th is prohibited today. The Question of the Day is… is Destroyer! bus exempt from parking regulations? Is there no parking on account of Destroyer! bus? Does the NYPD […]
Does anyone have an explanation for the horned silver bus parked outside of Lerner at 114th Street?
Your parents are paying $40,000 a year for you to sleep through class, your hipster jeans cost more than rent on a studio apartment—but now the Bwog offers you a way to see the city: for free. Some of our favorite haunts: Highline Beginning around 34th Street near 10th Avenue (which used to be called […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025