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Posts Tagged with "Uni Cafe"

It’s time to bring back our somewhat regular In Defense Of feature, where we uphold the hated, disgusted, and all-around avoided Columbia establishments. This week, food eater Josh Dillon leaves the Ferris omelet line to grab some yogurt and support Uni Café. I don’t consider myself a foodie, food connoisseur, or even healthy. I’m a sophomore with 14 meals/week […]

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An Ode To Uni Cafe

Yesterday, Uni Cafe was shut down for health code violations. Today, some deranged tipster who considers Uni Cafe bagels to be delicious wrote this ode: To the restaurant you creatively dubbed “UNI” We mourn the shutdown of yesterday Your doors are locked, your tables too roomy Your open-ness seems so far away. Away from 115th […]

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With a bold move, the very cheeky Uni “Café” chose to stick it to the man re: gelato sizes. You wanted a small? Well that sucks—looks like you’ll be having a “wink” instead. Spotted in the space formerly known as Pinnacle (may it rest in peace):

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So many things have happened this week that it’s almost too much for us to process. There are changes everywhere, new things abound—all this excitement might be dangerous for Bwog’s heart health! Though we may have had a little fun with yesterday’s posts, we promise that today’s edition of Boringside Heights is totally legit. Feast […]

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These times, they are a-changin’ in the tiniest of tiny ways. Don’t worry if you might’ve missed anything—Bwog pays attention so that you don’t have to! This week, it looks like the fine establishments of Morningside Heights want to make your life just a little bit better, one sandwich, stuffed animal, and “free” coffee at […]

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It opens in the morning.

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Construction at the soon-to-be Uni Cafe is well under way. Bwog peeked in last night and spotted ladders and sawdust aplenty; tipster Nick Pleasants even saw a fancy new flat screen TV being moved in. He also informs Bwog that the same owner who normally mans the counter at Pinnacle “appeared to be inside.” This […]

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