Discipline and punish. (The Economist) NoCo is saving the environment! (Sacramento Bee) Change is coming to the Central Valley. (New York Times) Good Guy Anonymous, stopping child pornographers. (Time) The FBI can’t seem to keep track of its super secret spy gadgets. (TechDirt) Questionable behavior via Wikimedia Commons
Hey all of you sophomores who had a bad time of housing—you’re finally off the waitlist! A tipster has informed us that although Housing has not yet emailed him, he has seen his assignment on the one and only Star Rez. Frog w/ champagne via Wikimedia.
Photo via AmericanRhetoric.com It’s that time again! The seventh annual Columbia University World Leaders Forum, brainchild of our own Lee C., is right around the corner. This year, PrezBo “invites you to join him in welcoming” exciting people such as Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the President (and former first lady) of Argentina, Martti Ahtisaari, […]
With all the other restaurant switching going on, several commenters have asked about Haakon’s Hall, which was supposed to replaced Radio Perfecto last fall (including free wifi). Today, though, Bwog Viking Establishment Correspondent James Downie investigated, and found a notice saying that the opening has been delayed until April. Hang on, then, Valhalla aspirants – […]
  Photo Courtesy of NYU Local The Columbia Students for a Democratic Society, who used to know a thing or two about campus protest, just sent out a press release from Take Back NYU, the pro-Gaza-ish, Marxist-y group that took over Kimmel Hall last night. Their first demand? They request, “full legal and disciplinary amnesty […]
Photo courtesy of NYU Local Radical student group Take Back NYU (TCBY, no wait, TBNYU) has barricaded itself inside a dining hall at Kimmel Center, NYU’s non-diagonal equivalent of Lerner. TBNYU had publicly planned to boogie tonight at their second annual “Study Breakdown,” but plans quickly went 1968 earlier this evening when several dozen students […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025