Check your links before you hit send! An anonymous tipster shared this email pictured below, which was sent to Barnard’s first-year leadership program. Instead of a link to the TEDx attendee application, the email links to the Braun Silk-épil Xpressive Easy Start Body & Face Rechargeable Epilator.
To All Columbia College Students, Dean Yatrakis will know if you plagiarize any of your final papers, which you most certainly will. And when you inevitably try to pass someone else’s work off as your own, she will remove you from your precious leadership positions and probably expel you. And then when you try to […]
Midterms are starting up for many students. Actually, if you’re in all the science classes that don’t understand it is impossible to have more than one midterm, midterms have started up for many students. So there will be plenty of student-teacher email exchanges about missing classes, studying for the test, and other forms of electronic begging. Just make sure your […]
As a response to his own resignation, GSSC Vice President resigns. Presidents, presidents, presidents… and Shakira, Shakira! Endorsement… lol Brinkley stepped down, and a cryptic PrezBo email followed The NROTC debate continued, and a cryptic PrezBo email followed McCain violated the number one rule of presidential debates: never wear a striped tie on camera. […]
Bwog received the following email a few minutes ago from Richard Adams, the (outgoing!) GSSC VP for Student Life. “I believe [the letter] stands on its own merits,” he wrote somewhat ominously. Except the letter is nearly incomprehensible, and Adams seems to be simultaneously resigning and calling for a vote to determine whether he should […]
Bwog informant “please remove my name” forwarded us an email from one litigious young graduate who slipped and fell in front of the library a few years ago. Naturally, she’s suing Columbia and currently in the midst of trying to amass other slip victims to stregnthen her case. It is, after all, the American way. […]
The Barnard College Activities Office has sent out an email advertising cheap tickets to Broadway shows. Which, in theory, is great. But the list of available shows is less than thrilling: Though Bwog hears David Hyde Pierce was great in Name of Show, the dates just don’t really work […]
The residents of a Columbia dorm floor received these bizarre emails from their RA (specifics redacted) on Thursday morning. Here they are, very sic, copy-and-pasted. “Date: Sep 13, 2007 3:27 AM Subject: Incident Tonight Hi Everyone! As some of you might have heard, an incident occured around 1:40am this morning. There were screams, loud noises, Public […]
From an email sent to members of the sophomore class from one Cynthia Jennings: “Hello — this is a reminder that for tonight’s Ellis Island event that you must wear your NSOP badge and bring your CUID. If you do not have these, you will be turned away at the security checkpoint before getting onto […]
Spec is only running Monday and Wednesday on this sunny, gloriously action-packed midterm week. So in the absence of our usual morning recap, we present this motley roundup of completely unrelated miscellany… Behold the latest email from the CC ’09 class council, proving to seniors, perhaps, that they don’t have it so bad. The missive begins […]
From the Barnard Theatre Department listserve comes this invitation from Christina Myers, the director of yet another campus production of The Vagina Monologues: “So far, the rehearsals have been a blast and the show has a fresh and different presentation this year. Unfortunately, one of our talented cast members was hired by a theater company out […]
Sometimes, when one wanders long enough in the inscrutable labyrinth of the bureaucracy, one confronts not the Minotaur of crude administrative obfuscation but a true gem. Here are selections from one such gem, the new “Leadership Life Newsletter” coughed up by SDA to “guide you [student leaders] through the challenging and important task of leading […]
Few busy Columbia College students have the time to fully peruse their class presidents’ frequent and information-packed emails. Bwog is here to help. We’ve compiled and graded the best of your class and college presidents’ comments from their most recent appearances in our inbox, just in time for midterms. From the ’10s to the ’07s […]
Our, um, highest congratulations to the art history department, who have installed a coffee machine in a lounge in Schermerhorn. They’ve circulated the news like it’s the birth of the Messiah. Or something. And they’re going to charge!? Read the gospel email after the jump.
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025