Check out a safety workshop or UNICEF lecture this week as you return from spring break!
Welcome back to campus, Barnumbia! Bwog is here to kick off your spring semester with our weekly roundup of on-campus and Columbia-related events. If you’re stressed about how you’re going to get off of three waitlists in the next two weeks, take a break and read this week’s “Every Event On Campus” instead!
Welcome home! Whether you’re about to embark on your first or your last year of college, “Every Event on Campus” is your guide to weekly on-campus events on a wide range of interesting topics.
Welcome back to Science Fair! As everyone returns to campus, science events are back in full swing and Bwog is here to spread the word (now through a new science editor!). As always, email if you want your event featured.
Columbia and New York City are packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, and there’s never been a better time to experience it first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.
Welcome back to campus! You may still be braving your entry quarantine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see what’s going on in the outside world. As always, if you have an event you want featured send us an email at!
Happening Around the World: Vladimir Putin has been re-elected for a six year term as the president of the Russian Federation. (Washington Post) Happening in the US: After controversy surrounding Trump’s recent decisions in his cabinet, reports are coming in that Trump is now requiring senior staffers to sign confidentiality agreements, a proponent he often did […]
After the first week of classes, Columbia students did not let us down by having a weekend full of bad decisions, regrets, and first years drinking bad alcohol. We bring you the tales of this weekend’s degeneracy for your reflection as you weep in Butler on a Monday night. If you have any notes from […]
Real people Upperclassmen are back on campus and first-years have survived the insanity of NSOP. Bwog hopes everyone is making it through the first day of classes, but if you barely struggled through, re-live the highs and lows of the long weekend with field notes. Firsts for non-first-years: Got thrown up on for the first […]
New signs! Citi was on fire (you probably noticed that one)! The Heights is out of action for a “couple of weeks at least, maybe a couple of months” according to Spec!
Forget how to eat pizza over break? Jon Stewart’s here to refresh your memory. (Time) Forget how to walk across the street? The NYPD want to make sure you’re not jaywalking. (Gothamist) Forget life exists above 125th? Columbia just opened a nature reserve in Inwood. (The Real Deal) Forget that the Super Bowl is coming […]
In our ongoing attempt to be your best friend/gossip magazine, we bring you the latest installment in People Who Tip Bwog For Relationship Advice. Tonight, the ever-pesky problem that is “emotions.” Dear Bwog, Do you consider emotionally cheating a real thing? If you are in a relationship, and you have some kind of ongoing emotional […]
Happy Sunday night! For the first time this semester, Bwog trooped over to Butler to ask random and personal questions to the brave/academically dedicated souls who were already spending their evenings there. (Full disclosure: Bwog hasn’t been to a library this year except to buy a Naked smoothie.) We asked the people, “What are you […]
No matter what your experience has been with CCE, we’re sure that at least once in your illustrious career here, you’ve complained about it. Shudipto Rahman, SEAS’13, found Columbia’s Center for Career Education much less than helpful. When they sent him a follow-up email this summer, asking to fill out a Graduating Student Survey, Shu […]
Registration is open, the freshpeople are settling in, and the sun is sort of shining. Convocation’s cancellation means the lawns are more luscious than ever, so go loll about while you can. Here’s to another splendid and occasionally trying year. We missed you very much!
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025