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Posts Tagged with "Columbia Health"

On Tuesday, Columbia Health announced that they will now offer medication abortion on campus. This added option for students “extends access to care and reaffirms [Columbia Health’s] commitment to supporting the reproductive rights of students,” they wrote in their announcement.

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Staff Writer Matthew Gay consulted fellow Bwoggers for advice on what to do when you are inevitably sick at school.

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Barnard and Columbia have released guidance on which students are eligible for COVID-19 booster shots, which includes students living in college residence halls. 

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Columbia Health Senior Vice President Melanie Bernitz summarized recent additions to Columbia’s raft of pandemic policies, including the continuation of the indoor mask mandate, in a single email to the student body.   

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In an email to students this evening, Columbia revealed that it will vaccinate all in-person staff due to expanded New York State rules regarding eligibility.

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Columbia Health emailed tonight that a limited number of students will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine in the first quarter of 2021.

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New bwogger Alexandra Tsorvas attended a medical school training event that discussed the unequal power dynamics inherent in doctor-patient relationships and how to mitigate them.

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Columbia has a lot of excellent sexual health resources if you know where to look. Just in case you don’t, we compiled a list of sexual health resources at Columbia that you can take advantage of, mostly for free, especially if you have the Columbia insurance plan. This list includes information about safer sex supplies, […]

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Today’s college students may be youthful, physically fit, wildly intelligent, extracurricularly engaged, and former “leaders” of their high schools, but they’re not actually superhuman–they, too, are subject to illnesses, injuries, viruses, diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. Bwogger Rachel Deal investigates just how easy it is to make appointments at Columbia Health, a *potential* cure for these […]

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Here is information from Columbia Health that will help you help us: Columbia Health will provide free flu shots Tuesday, January 29, 2013, at Lerner Hall, Broadway Room, from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (University ID Card required) Alternatively, you may schedule an appointment at Medical Services in John Jay Hall by calling (212) 854-2284. […]

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