Pfft… you don’t have midterms next week! Or at least you can pretend you don’t whilst taking in some of the amazing sights and sounds of Morningside’s arts scene. If you would like readers to escape their realities at your events, please e-mail us at Thursday French Film: Qui m’aime me suive, East Gallery, Buell […]
Your goal for the semester was to really get out there and explore more of New York City. Well, now those readings have kicked in and you’ve got a little less time to spare. That doesn’t mean you can’t take a look at our second installment of Where Art Thou, a listing of enthralling arts […]
Classes just started, assignments can wait, and midterms merely hover in the distance like a deathly faraway land. Helping you eschew menial amounts of reading that you weren’t going to do anyway is 2012’s first installment of Where Art Thou, a collection of fantastic arts events both on and off campus. If you would like to see […]
Bored? Where Art Thou? is here to help. There’s no better way to procrastinate studying for finals and writing twenty-page papers then seeing the many arts events on and off campus this weekend! If you’d like to help your fellow classmates delay their studies, submit your event to Thursday Fall 2011 Student Prints, 5 pm […]
As the end approaches and final papers and exams slowly (or quickly) begin to take over our lives, Bwog’s Wednesday Feature Where Art Thou? invites you to indulge in some of the fantastic arts events happening on and off campus! If you would like your event listed here, email Wednesday Autumn Songs: A Musical, […]
Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s Wednesday feature, encourages you, as usual, to stay on campus and have some free/kind of free fun this weekend. If you’re a dance aficionado, this is the weekend to stay on campus and watch your peers roll around on stage and stuff. If you’d like your loosely dance-related event featured here, email Thursday […]
Fall break end too soon? Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s favorite Wednesday feature gives you a change to relive fall break through culture! And art! If you want to whine about missing fall break and/or submit an event to be featured here, email Thursday KCST’s Alice in Wonderland, 8pm in the VagBox (aka the Diana […]
If you would like your arts event to be listed in our lineup, email Thursday KCST’s Hamlet, 7:30pm in Lerner Black Box. Additional showings Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30pm and Saturday at 1:30pm The King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe (KCST) presents William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It’s free and there will be a wait list at the door! Barnard […]
Who doesn’t love free fun? Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, surely does. Do you supply the Columbia community with free fun? Expensive fun? Moderately priced fun? Let us know at Today La Ronde, 8pm at Riverside Theatre. Through Saturday. New work featuring MFA acting students. A Turn of the Century Sex Romp: whores, […]
October means more than just beer—it means theatre. Bwog’s weekly feature Where Art Thou? provides a list of theater, arts, and culture events that are happening in the Columbia community and beyond every weekend. If you’d like to advertise your Oktoberfest-themed event here, too, please email Thursday Quarto’s Literary Open Mic, 8pm – 10pm in 413 Dodge. […]
New York City has endless opportunities to enjoy some truly magnificent (and other not so magnificent) works of theatre, dance, art, and music. But they’re all so expensive?! We know. Stay home this weekend and appreciate what free and not-so-free cultural experiences Morningside Heights has to offer. If you’d like your local (or not so local!) Columbia […]
Hello, Bwog reader. Welcome to Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s Wednesday feature that tells you about all the super fun artsy things you can do in the Morningside Heights area and beyond. Do not let this week’s list of events fool you—Columbia is quite the hip, artsy community. Just not so much this weekend. Does your […]
Foliage galore, pumpkin-flavored lattés, and the start of the Columbia theatre season! What is this you speak of? Friends, Friday marks the end of a joyous summer. Our nights on the steps and days on the lawns are numbered. However, we take comfort in knowing that there will be many theatre-related free food and fun opportunities […]
The Brooklyn Book Festival is today from 10am ’til 6pm. Many famous literary types will be participating in free events and certainly in attendance, including Columbia prof and poet Tim Donnelly, and Pulitzer Prize winner Jennifer Egan. If you are interested in this blast from the soon to be past, hit up the link above […]
Weekends are not for sitting in Butler, slapping phantom bed bugs off your leg! Weekends are for exploring what Columbia and Morningside Heights has to offer–be that alcohol in various guises, or, most importantly, music, art, and theatre! Where Art Thou? is Bwog’s Wednesday feature that gives you a heads-up about that’s going down in […]
A Review Of Upside Pizza
March 11, 2025Columbia Alum And Palestinian Activist Mahmoud Khalil Detained By ICE
March 11, 2025Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025