Citi, Tony Blair, and the Senate have all been hacked. Don’t let the women of Barnard be next! We already told you why it was important that you use encrypted WiFi, back when Columbia launched its secure network. Directions on how to log in to “Barnard Secure” are included in the e-mail to students below. […]
If you don’t switch over to using Columbia’s new secure wireless, you will be hacked. Accept that as a simple definitive statement. Breathe it; live by it; tattoo it onto your upper thigh. Security is a real issue, and until recently, hackers with a fairly limited skill-set could trivially camp out in Butler with an […]
FYI Columbia: the promise of wireless rooms may come to fruition–but not without a caveat. Today from 10am to 2pm, CUIT will stop by EC, Harmony, Shapiro and 47 Claremont to review the buildings for potential wireless installations over the summer. An email from CUIT includes this cryptic message: “Also please be aware that there […]
Just when you thought you escaped the woes of Housing over break, they return. Bwog has received word that more dorms next semester will receive free wireless access. Expect this to change some dynamics when it comes to housing selection! Here’s the full list of dorms that will have Wi-Fi starting in the Fall, via […]
Bwog corespondent Derek Huang reports on Friday morning’s Armstrong Memorial lecture from his wireless device: Humans have reaped the benefits of the wireless transmission of information for several decades now through the development of the wireless telegraph, radio, television, cellular phones, and now, wireless Internet. However, the challenges facing the proliferation of wireless networks are […]
Residents of the LLC (and Furnald), rejoice! CUIT has just authorized a test program that allows you to do what you’ve already been doing. According to an email sent today by Kathryn Engelhardt, Systems Engineer Manager, the pilot program will allow students in Furnald, Hartley, and Wallach to connect their wireless routers to the University […]
CUIT’s past restriction on wireless routers could be on the way out. Sources tell Bwog that CUIT is planning on lifting its restriction on personal wireless routers in Furnald, Hartley, and Wallach. Instead, it will allow students to purchase an Apple Airport Express or similar types of routers (perhaps based on the current policy offered […]
Three years after adopting flat screens, JJ’s Place has gotten another technological upgrade. Student Services confirms to Bwog that JJ’s Place has now added wireless internet access, along with “some structural renovations.” No doubt it’ll be handy for first-years taking a break from half-finished homework to Google useful JJ’s information, like “how much fried food […]
The tomb, also known as Butler, is not conducive to the strong, speedy wireless that’s oh-so-helpful for Procrastination Week. So, for midterms, we marched around with our laptop trying to determine where the best signal would be. Signal strength is arbitrary (who knew?), so for finals we have taken it a step further. Bwog contacted […]
As Columbia enters the last few days of the “midterm period,” bunkering down in Butler may look more and more enticing. But, to help you hang on to that precious wireless signal, Bwog spent Monday night in the Milstein and Reference Rooms measuring signal strength. The key corresponds to the average readout out of four bars on a […]
Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 3, 2025