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Posts Tagged with "world cup"

Happy soccer day to all who celebrate. May the best team (Argentina) win.

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below, and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the […]

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Find a fresh issue of The Blue and White around campus.  In this Blue Note, Michael Adame investigates the World Cup’s impact on campus life. When the United States exited the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament in the first round of the knockout stage, Columbia University economics professor and U.S. Soccer Federation President Sunil Gulati […]

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Bwoglines: A Melange

That means “a motley assortment of things.” Seatbelts, everyone! Gulati says the U.S team was “capable of more” in the World Cup. Columbia is a partner in a jargon-y, confusing government project called the “NYC Media Lab.” Breaking: James Franco is self-important. He is also an artist. Joseph Stiglitz makes $109,919 a year is the […]

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Bwog loves soccer, so we were happy to see popular Econ professor (and president of the US Soccer Federation) Sunil Gulati announcing the United States’s bid for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups on Monday. Gulati, who was also involved in the first World Cup in the United States in 1994, will be leading […]

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With the World Cup over, Berliners had to find some other way to get their kicks–and what better than a massive parade celebrating techno music and the fall of Communism? Bwog correspondent Joyce Hau reports that over 120,000 scantily clad people (some estimates ranged much higher) throbbed to the beats of DJs Paul van Dyk […]

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Bwog fan Joyce Hau checks in from Berlin, where she jostled with nearly a million football fiends on the Fan Mile for the final match of the world cup between Italy and France. From Joyce: How ironic–the French have nothing to thank him for now. More from Joyce, including literal translations of German player’s last […]

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