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Posts Tagged with "yay snow!"

For those of you who have yet to open a window, it’s pretty darn snowy out. Bwog is excitedly lacing up our snowboots to go sledding in Riverside, but before we do, we have a winner to announce for our snow-pic snapping contest. The competition was fierce, but congratulations to tipster Lila Neiswanger, who sent […]

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Tonight is the night is the night: the first snowfall of the year, minus Halloween’s premature snowmaggedon. Tonight’s weather report predicts sweet, soft, snowfall starting at midnight. So at least tomorrow’s hangover can be sledded away on fresh powder. It’ll relax everybody! For the first intrepid snow-goer to snap a shot, Bwog promises icy, free beer, of […]

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Winter Wonderland

Grab your sled, build a snowman, and roast some chestnuts, it’s snowing!  This morning, Columbia has woken up to the first flurry of the season— which by the looks of it, is slowly turning into a blizzard. Join Bwog in putting your boots on and being jolly. Picture submissions welcome!

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Fresh Snow!

Snow promises great things and while scattered cries for a snowball fight didn’t materialize today, we do have a few pictures of the sights the fresh snowfall brought with it. Photos by Evelyn Warner. Stay warm and sweet dreams, all.

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Sweet Sweet Snow

Good morning! Bwog’s pal at CUPS, Shamm Petros, shot this picture of your classmates hurrying to class through the thick flurries. Please please wear earmuffs today, and keep sending snowshots to

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Peter Sterne snapped these delightful shots of campus last night. In case you haven’t noticed, Bwog loves snow—remember when?! In an effort to recapture a small amount of that epic rejoicing, we’d like to collect a multitude of snow pics—either from campus if you’re back already, from elsewhere in New York, or your own hometown […]

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Could It Be?!

Bwog Winter Enthusiast Mahrah Taufique spotted snow on 114th and Broadway! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… Bwog’s Resident Debbie Downers figured people just threw ice in there. Bummer. Anyways, keep your eyes peeled for first flakes!

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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