More than a few tipsters informed us about this video of various Columbia sports teams getting pumped up for homecoming, and we think that it’s rockin’ and putting us in the fighting spirit. (Take note of the delightful twist in the elevator scene at 1:41.) The energetic dancing has only begun! Another video, created by Arvin […]
For all those times when you really can’t think of a single thing to watch on YouTube, Columbia is here to help! For your viewing and distracting pleasure, the Center for New Media Teaching and Learning brings you… Columbia’s revamped YouTube channel. Columbia is not the first university to join YouTube EDU, and like those […]
Screen shot of “Wilma’s Anthem” “To the left, to the left. When your omelet’s done it’ll be to the left” rings the creative chorus of “Wilma’s Anthem,” a YouTube music video made by two Columbia students to celebrate their John Jay dining experience. Though there’s no way to be sure, Bwog assumes this video and […]
-Photo via YouTube Kurt Hinterbichler, a grad student in the Columbia physics department, joined 95 other musicians from around the world to play in a multimedia concert sponsored by YouTube. About 3,000 musicians submitted audition videos to the site, and YouTube patrons, with their refined taste, selected the winners from the top 200 submissions. […]
You came to Columbia for the unique and rich pit of cultural fabulosity that is New York City. Naysayers from your hometown warned you about subway muggings, ridiculous food prices, and deadly air quality, but you weren’t scared. You were prepared. Except for the one thing they never tell you about: the pesky problem of […]
Columbians and their associates spent the last week expounding their well-honed opinions on everything. From the Core and finance we find ourselves traipsing across a vast field of subjects, much like Frontiers. Raised on words, we now present AltSpec: The Epic Narrative. Photo via Bwog’s favorite horn-rimmed glasses wearer Andrew Delbanco sounded off about […]
Because the Internet has been suffering a drought of useless video clips, CCSC has started its own YouTube channel. “We expect to use our YouTube channel…to open the doors of our council, to update you on our projects, and to elicit your response,” wrote President George Krebs. As CCSC has realized, the best possible way […]
The depths of procrastination have truly reached a new low: We’ve taken to Googling our professors on YouTube. An anonymous tipster points us in the direction of “Prolegomena to any Future Numa Numa,” which features philosophy professor John David Collins and one of who we believe to be the children of Collins and one of […]
Bwog is taking it slow today and, most likely, so are you. Luckily, the good people at the 114th Annual Varisty Show (a.k.a. Morningside Hates) have unveiled their website. It features high-larious Dateline-style investigations of the V-show’s alleged misdeeds. Bwog has, of course, watched all the videos, but isn’t quite feeling up to full reviews. […]
Up Late with Jeff Julian is now on the great aggregator of human creativity. So the genius of the Jester’s master comedian is now available for all to love. They even have the commercials for the more market-driven audiences. The intro sequence, in its swinging glory, is below.
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025