I don’t usually write posts comparing Bwog articles with other Bwog articles, but as they say, cats only bark twice.
Who is kaiser?
It’s questions like these that keep us up past 9 pm. They drive us forward—inspire us to try new and exciting things, like Reese’s Mega Chocolate Chunky Crunchy Peanut Butter Goblet, which you can eat for free with a small donation to your local Hyundai dealer.
What most of us don’t realize, though, is that life involves more than worrying about the Western Front. Cooking, eating, sitting, and comparing Bwog articles to other Bwog articles are also all parts of a well-balanced breakfast.
- Who polices the Felice?
We might not have food or chairs, but we do have Bwog articles. So, gather ’round: let’s match them —together.
1. Classes Canceled After 4pm Due To Snowstorm = Housing Reviews 2017: 600 W 116th Street
2. Senior Wisdom: Vals & Sals Edition = Tales of a Thirteenth-Grade Nothing V: Lessons Learned
3. Lions Pick Up First Ivy League Win Against Yale = Bwog’s 2006-2007 Sports Recap
4. Orgo Night: Our Roundup = Orgo Night Fall ’08
- When I was your age, I flew to school uphill.
5. What If We Studied On An Incline In Lerner…… Hahaha JK….. Unless…. = Bwog Presents: Halloween Costume & Pumpkin Carving Contests Winners
6. Second Annual Bwog Music Critics(ish) Poll = Lost: Black Moleskine
7. Cafe Reviews, Part Three = Butler Archetypes: The Texter
8. Bwog Requests = Give You Up? Never Gonna
- Yo Mama so old that when I showed her this picture, she said, “Oh boy oh boy. I look so young here.”
9. Sad Trombone = Paw Print Instructions
10. Google = R.E.M.’s Wikipedia Page
11. Here Are The Best Places To Give Birth On Campus = CUMC Student Health Website
12. Project Gutenberg = Late Nite Bwog: Mattress Mogul
in beauty does it begin
in dust does it end
where are you now,
my son
Bwog Masthead c. 1812 via Wikimedia Commons
Sea Wings via Bwog Archive
Yo Mama via Bwog Archive