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Our next Senior Wisdom is from Jake Davidson, founder of The Lion and ambassador to sandwiches everywhere. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Jake Davidson, Manhattan, Columbia College, Political Science/MESAAS Claim to fame: Founded The Lion, worked as Online Editor for Spectator, am one of like three hockey fans at Columbia Where are you going? Maybe journalism, […]
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Studying can be stressful when it seems like your fate is hanging in the balance. If you knew how well you were going to do on your tests, then you could stop studying and all would be right with the world. Find out your chances at passing your tests by taking this test:
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Your social life is booming. Two, count ’em, two nighttime events on the Thursday before Finals Day One. But alas, for all us non-Barnardians they overlap, so which to choose? Your options: Midnight Breakfast (which opens its doors to CC/SEAS at midnight, Barnard seniors at 11, and the rest of Barnard at 11:30), and Orgo Night, which […]
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It’s reading week day three, and that means the week is over! Yes that’s right in case you didn’t realize Columbia calls it a week to give you hope only to pull the rug out from under your stupid hopeful feet. PrezBo laughs as you fall on your ass, but Bwog knows your confusion and offers […]
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Everyone’s favorite act from Bacchanal 2013, Morningsiders, have released a new studio recording of their hit “Empress” in addition to a handful of new songs on their Soundcloud. The band has also been featured to accompany the dulcet tones of Oprah Winfrey to promote her new, more expensive but basically the same as usual, chai […]
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Our next Senior Wisdom is from Liana Gergely, who drops some serious knowledge on finding yourself, FOMO, and Cole Sprouse. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Liana Gergely, Los Angeles, Barnard, English and Dance Claim to fame: Choreographer of the MaMa Project 2014 for Orchesis Dance Group, Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Barnard, Writer of a […]
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As reading week presses on and finals approacheth, Bwog hereby humbly presents a study guide in convenient game form. Tuck yourself into your John Jay single, pull out a Nalgene full of happiness (however you take that to mean), and take a sip every time you come across one of these typical Lit Hum tropes while […]
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Bwog sees things other people wouldn’t notice because it’s Bwog’s job. Who else would keep Columbia update on squirrel antics? Who else would try to do a liveblog of a library? Perhaps most importantly, who else would identify questionable patterns in administrator behavior? While reminiscing and going through old pictures, this gem of a PrezBo […]
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This morning, a small crowd came out to observe the unveiling of the Diana Center’s new mural, the brainchild of SGA arts and culture representative Adrienne Nel, BC ’16, in order to bring more public art to campus. Attendees included Debora Spar (although Bwog cannot confirm any of her dance/zumba moves) and the Columbia Clefhangers, […]
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Here’s some additional reading for you this reading week: the Senior Wisdom of  Dimitri Nouveau’s, who self-describes as one of PrezBo’s guinea pigs. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Dimitri Nouveau, Paris (France, not Texas), GS – Dual B.A., Social Sciences at Sciences Po, Financial Economics at Columbia. Claim to fame: Made it through not one, but two crazy challenging colleges. […]
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Today from 4-5 in Held Auditorium (on the third floor of Barnard Hall) there will be a memorial service for Rudi Lawrence, who was, according to one tipster, “an amazing man and well-loved access attendant in Sulz for over seven years.” Please come and celebrate the life of this WHOLE-HEARTED man. Many of us knew him […]
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If you, like Bwog, have been spending your reading week hopping from one food-themed study-break to the next, you’re in luck! The last Live at Lerner event of the semester is happening today, from 12 until two in Lerner Piano Lounge. They will be living it up with your favorite childhood hits: Saved by the Bell and the Fresh Prince of […]
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I have never had the opportunity to explore this place. But for now, I’d just like to say that your (read more)
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You and your suite-mates did a very thorough, conscientious job. In the process, maybe you learned a sad truth about (read more)
Our Dorms Are Not Clean
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024
Was devastated to miss the game but this bwog post makes up for it! So detailed - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024

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