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We don’t need to say that the absolute most annoying thing that this school does is all of those goddam unnecessary messages informing us that we have school tomorrow, or, as one Bwog staffer put it, texting us, “LOL yes we still have school.”  In a moment of collective catharsis, we thought about what other […]
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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]
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With election season coming up and midterms finally coming to obliterate our petty souls make us waste our time in Butler, it looks like CCSC is looking at how we’re doing.  Conversations about CSA were had in depth and it turns out that our workload is the same as MIT’s and CalTech’s. Yay liberal arts! Thankfully, […]
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Well everybody, it’s voting time!  We just got the email that elections are up at 10 am this morning. The referendum will still require the President and VP of Policy to run together, but VP for Campus Life, VP for Finance, and VP for Communications will be voted on separately. At least 30% of the student […]
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Why does this show up in Google News?  (NY Daily News) Would you call it misery? Or only if school is cancelled? (CNN) Really, Russia? (NY Times) “Twelve Years a Slave.” Did you even watch? (Washington Post)     Just growing out the scruff via Wikimedia Commons
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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Before you start knocking on random doors and demanding to know how many tennis balls could fit into the room if the room is haunted what they’ve named their mouse and what its living habits are the room’s […]
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Last Wednesday, Chelsea Clinton came to campus as the keynote speaker for the Kenneth Cole Community Engagement Forum. The event drew in more RSVPs than could realistically be accommodated, but Bwog’s Heather Akumiah had VIP seating just in case you guys got turned down at the door.  The Kenneth Cole Community Engagement Program is a […]
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Columbia sure does know how to put on a good show as demonstrated by the annual “The Muslim Protagonist” hosted by the Columbia Muslim Students’ Assocition. Knowing it would be quite the event, Bwog sent symposium guru Fainan Lakha to this year’s symposium to see what it was all about. Last weekend Columbia hosted what—for […]
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We know. It’s the Oscars. To accomodate for the lovers of Ryan Seacrest in a suit and those who truly believe this is Leo’s year, Bwog will be meeting a tad bit earlier tonight. Meeting will be held at 6:30pm in the SGO Room on the 5th Floor of Lerner. Come discuss which Dior dress […]
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What can we say? Columbia is clearly the most popular place for famous people to come hang. In honor of tennis champion Novak Djokovic speaking at the Altschul Auditorium in SIPA this afternoon, Bwog wants to take a moment to reflect on some of our bff’s visits. We still couldn’t find ourselves humored by Chris Rock We […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. As always, feel free to mention any events we may have missed in the comments section and we’ll add them. Our recommendations for this week […]
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Lost: Purple Wallet

I think I lost this purple leather wallet outside of the subway. If it has citibank and suntrust credit cards, please email me at
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
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Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
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I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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