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CU Players, Columbia’s theater group that fades in and out of existence, put on a production Jean Genet’s disturbing French drama, The Maids. Intrigued by the intersection of sadism and masochism, Shelley Farmer reviewed the play for Bwog. The 1947 drama centers on two maids, Claire and Solange, who engage in ritualistic, sadomasochistic “games” while their employer, […]
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This weekend, NOMADS is presenting “Grieving for Fish,” a new play by Elyse Pitock, BC ’15. Bwog chatted with her about the show, which will be playing at the Glicker-Milstein Theatre tonight and tomorrow at 8 pm. The process for this production began 8 months ago. Pitock reached out to Columbia and Barnard first-year students […]
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While waiting for a class this week, Bwog overheard a group of TAs for a class on Buddhism talking about their students. First TA: “They’re grumpy because they don’t get any sleep and it’s also a side effect of the Adderall. You can always tell when you’re reading an Adderall paper—they think we can’t tell, […]
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Despite the apparent apathy of the general studies students, the GS flagpole went up in front of Lewisohn earlier this week. It’s intended to help integrate general studies students with the rest of the undergraduates…somehow. There’s supposed to be a flag-raising ceremony sometime later this week, according to Spec. The finishing touches
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“Navigation and interior lights were turned off, the ship’s radio went silent, and plans for what to do if pirates boarded the vessel were reviewed.” Columbia professor Peter deMenocal braved the threat of Somali pirates to research the history of Africa’s climate. (Columbia University News) Both sides of the gun control debate have presented bad […]
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Bwog definitely has an edgier side and likes to think we have some cool points saved up in our piggy banks. Wannabe Badass Bwogger Courtney Couillard is here to defend taking that big step of getting a tattoo or piercing—and the weird backlash that that gets at Columbia. When I got my tattoo, I did […]
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If you don’t pay much attention to sports at Columbia, you might assume that they are all like a certain sport-which-shall-not-be-named—depressing to watch. This is untrue. Maud Rozee brings you a few reasons why you should check out a basketball game, even if, like her, you know 0 things about basketball. 1. Unlike a sport […]
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We’re going to briefly resurrect an old, old feature, to bring you word from people who are still talking about that thing we’re not talking about. Because honestly, it’s hard to keep your mouth shut once PrezBo says something, so check out what amounts to letters to and from Sammy Roth. Basically, people have been […]
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Bwog continues its exploration of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library. This week, Bwog’s Keeper of Secrets Kevin Chen dug through boxes of crumbling Columbia Admissions documents and found some pretty cool stuff. 1860s and 1870s Back in 1862, tuition cost $100 per year ($2400 per year in today’s dollars), Columbia advertised in local newspapers, […]
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Bwog’s been thinking a lot about deans lately. Walking around campus and looking at signs on doors and titles on emails, we realized that you can’t throw a rock on this campus without hitting a dean. So we sent Senior Staff Writer and Community fanatic Alexander Pines to find out exactly how many deans we […]
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Once again, Bwog’s here to give you our world-renown relationship advice. Your friendly neighborhood Alexandra Svokos tackles this one. If you need advice, email or use our anonymous tip form, as this tipster did. Hey Bwog, I need some help over here. I think I have feelings for my best friend. I’m actually really […]
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Looking for a reason to feel good about CCSC? (Not necessarily, but…) Today there’s a great one: the council has set up a “Student Project Grants Initiative.” Looking at the website, the initiative seems to cover a fairly wide variety of student projects, with the (very broad) stated purpose of “funding individual projects [students] would otherwise be […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
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This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
Barnard AAUP President Frederick Neuhouser Shares Thoughts On Student Protests And Administrative Responses In 1968 And 2024
October 8, 2024

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