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Forlorn, downtrodden, and perpetually abused BlackBerry users, today is your (perhaps last) shot at superiority. This time, the glances will be of envy, not of pity, when you proudly walk by with your free iced coffee. From 12 to 1 today at the Sundial, the Columbia BlackBerry Ambassadors—which is apparently a thing—will be giving out Starbucks iced coffee […]
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Politics very close to home: in Harlem, new demographics are shifting racial tides. (New York Times) A city PSA commercial is looking for “ethnically ambiguous, real-type” actors to play homeless people—rather than, y’know, looking for actual homeless people to play homeless people. (NY Mag) Just because you’re a hipster, doesn’t mean you get to shoot […]
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Dean Awn’s announcement today of a very last-minute date change to the 2012 GS Class Day didn’t go over so well—now, a couple of GS students are planning to do something about it. Acronyms abound. The self-described “new and self-explanatory activist movement” GS Equal Treatment (aka GSET) has made an announcement of their own: “Due to […]
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Next up, Christian/conservative/Core-champion Derek Turner. Nominate wise seniors by sending their name and “resume” to Name, Hometown, School: Derek Turner, Phoenix, AZ, CC Claim to Fame: Incessant supporter of the Core, vocal fan of Arizona, thesiser on Indian water rights, perennial opinion-spouter for Spec, Barnard wannabe, conservative-about-town, campus character, and 2-term president of Intervarsity Christian […]
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We know the whole squirrel thing is getting a little old, but a tipster couldn’t help but notice this poster with a cut-out piece of pizza attached to it. Is the pizza-eating squirrel becoming a new species or have Bwog readers taken the Geology library in Schermerhorn by storm? We’ll never know the answer to […]
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Taking Names

Sylvie Krekow investigates a forgotten tale of campus larceny. Look for this and more in the forthcoming April issue of The Blue & White. Few at Columbia were thrilled when Livingston Hall was renamed Wallach Hall. “I do remember there being people, including myself, who thought that was the wrong thing to do,” recalls an […]
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This isn’t exactly a novel occurence, but CUIT compromised files which contained the “names, addresses, social security numbers, and bank account numbers” of members of the Columbia community. Oops! How did this happen? “A Columbia University Information Technology programmer inadvertently and erroneously saved a file on a University web server that could be accessed from outside […]
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Achilles teaches us that sometimes you just have to break bread with your enemy. And though none of us are out to get each other—except for whoever took Bwog’s place in SCUBA class, that hurts bro—we all like to eat a bit of grub when we’re talking about serious issues. Hence, Pro Israel Progressives is […]
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Save The New Date

According to an email from Dean Awn, the date for GS Class Day has been changed late in the game, due to the amount of set-up and security checks required for Obama’s Barnard Class Day visit. Instead of taking place on Monday, May 14th, the ceremony will occur on Sunday, May 13th. Spoiler alert (literally): it will […]
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Bwog remembers all too well how Columbia whored itself to us when we were prospective students. This fine institution would like to think it was the Core, diversity, or financial aid, but it’s fairly obvious what our decision really came down to. A tipster overheard this prospie speaking to her mother as she exited the […]
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Because we feel that we haven’t given Sunil Gulati, Principles of Economics professor, his due, Bwog decided to throw him a line and post an economics lesson he taught recently. There’s some complicated math involved, but it all adds up to everyone going to the Varsity Show. So, if Gulati says it (along with a slew of […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
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This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
Barnard AAUP President Frederick Neuhouser Shares Thoughts On Student Protests And Administrative Responses In 1968 And 2024
October 8, 2024

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