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It’s not every day that the New York Times titles an article about you: “A Promising Star, Rising Above the Horizon,” or that New York Magazine runs a feature on your life before you turn 18. But then again, Conrad Tao is not just any Columbia College student. For one, he is one of the […]
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From the producers who brought you N*ggas in Ferris comes Hogan, a mature new track about growing up and moving out. As with all albums, the follow-up lacks the certain sparkle of the debut, but does reflect the artists’ emotional growth as they peer into the dark heart of the real world/suite selection. Full lyrics […]
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In an email yesterday, Student Affairs sent out an email announcing the Senior Dinner, which is slated for April 30th at 8 pm, and the menu, which is strange. Wondering what a “cranberry gastrique” is, Bwog turned to resident foodie Matt Powell. The Fish Option: The fish option may be both the most substantial of […]
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Life is about the Tiny Victories. And so is Live at Lerner. Today, from 12 to 1 pm, they host the Brooklyn band, which NPR has described as one of the most promising up-and-comers in the country. Even if you aren’t lured by the sound of “smart, catchy electro-pop hooks,” we can’t imagine you’ll say […]
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…unless you’re in the B-school. For us plebeians, there is such thing as a free root beer float, and you can get one in front of Earl Hall starting at 11 a.m. today. The cream will be floated by  The Office of the University Chaplain, Community Impact, the United Campus Ministries and The Kraft Center in participation with Random […]
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Hey Juniors! (And mixed groups.) You’ve spent the past two days watching the seniors snatch up all the good housing, and now it’s your turn to have a go. Don’t forget, this year is different—if that Ruggles suite is gone by your appointment time, you can still give Junior Regroup a go before dropping to […]
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In a bout of Core-inspired rhetoric perhaps informed by his CC days, President Obama accused Mitt Romney of “thinly veiled social Darwinism” yesterday. (The Guardian) Meanwhile, Rick Santorum continues to struggle for existence. (NYT) In a world with limited resources, it seems that the Canadian penny just won’t cut it. (ABC) You gotta be smart to survive. […]
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Existence moves through the 4th dimension; C2H5OH through arteries and veins. These two phenomena coincide with regularity on the weekend, but rarely are there observers interested—and sober—enough to take note. Compelled by the urge to be a little more “quanty,” Bwog’s award winning team of (social) scientists decided to conduct field work at a nearby […]
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Last Thursday Zach Kagan, master of the arts of ventriloquy, ventured down to Prentis Hall to review a very unusual and politically themed puppet show. Here’s what he took away from the experience. Great Small Works presents “Toy Theatre of Terror as Usual Episode 13: Whistles and Leaks.” It’s a hell of a title. Of course, the particular get-together that […]
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Remember when we told you about Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s earlier today? Sounds like you listened to us. Below is eternal proof that it really is summer, at least in the slightly delusional hearts of dairy enthusiasts. We can’t help but be reminded that no matter when ice cream calls we will […]
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The guinea pigs for Columbia’s pilot program of Alternative Spring Break: Performing Arts explored a small sampling of what non-profit New York theatre has to offer. One such guinea pig, Alex Katz, shares a conversation between himself and a fellow “traveler” about the utility of the program. While most of Columbia fled the city for […]
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Barnard College Radio WBAR has just announced the lineup for WBAR-B-Q XIX, the 19th incarnation of its annual concert and outdoor barbecue. The festival boasts “an all-day, all-free concert featuring 2 stages, 9 acts, 8 hours of music, BBQ & food.” From 2 to 10 pm on Saturday April 28th, you can expect lots of free food, games, […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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