Political correspondent Maren Killackey returns from the slightly sparse field of the Satow Room to report on the latest CCSC meeting. The Satow room at 8 pm last Sunday was noticeably empty, with a number of CCSC members (newly elected and not) mysteriously absent, including the entire Class of 2014 Council. There weren’t even enough […]
Reformer-in-disguise Brit Byrd brings back progress notes from yesterday’s lecture with SFER and TRACT. Last night TRACT and new kids on the block Students for Education Reform (SFER) hosted a discussion with David Hansen, Professor of Philosophy & Education at Teachers College, and Shamus Khan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, as the inaugural event of SFER’s […]
It’s almost time to start lining up for Herman Cain tonight—that is, unless you’re quick enough to snag this ticket on blatant display in room 616 (building unidentified). Clearly, someone has some Mad Men episodes to catch up on. Start a scavenger hunt through campus to find the Golden Green Ticket! No guarantees that it’s still […]
The LitHum department has been brewing something special this year: Homer’s Odyssey in the style of Sleep No More, performed throughout Hamilton. There are two free performances on Friday April 20th and Saturday April 21st beginning at 8 pm in Hamilton lobby. Bwog talked to Darragh Martin, a preceptor in LitHum completing his PhD in Theatre and […]
For those of you who haven’t snagged a ticket to Herman Cain tonight, there’s still some small hope! A standby line for people without tickets will start forming at 6 pm outside of Low Library. At 6:45 pm, the chosen ones will will the Rotunda—just remember your CUID. The doors will open to the public […]
Architectural aficionado Alexandra Eynon ventures through that weird little stairway into that weird—nay, that AMAZING—little space known to the masses as the Carman Mezzanine. What otherworldly mysteries lay within? Only time—and this floorhop—will tell. The Carman mezzanine is an architectural anomaly, consisting of a pair of suites tucked snugly next to the elevator shaft. What […]
Functional formalist Renee Kraeim reports from last night’s SGA meeting. Last night SGA welcomed our very own VP Beltrone, the VP of Campus Services. Basically, she’s in charge of what goes on on campus: special events, public safety, your mail…and, apparently, also in charge of what will happen on campus. Though Beltrone is new to […]
Update: And we’re back! Go forth and choose. The bulletin is down for everyone. Or at least for us. At least you have another few minutes to choose between Medieval Literature and that Beginning Fiction workshop you decided on spontaneously. Sad faces all around. panda not registering via Wikimedia
Look alive, Columbia! Tomorrow afternoon, the Senate’s holding their 4:30 pm Town Hall about publicizing Course Evals in 104 Jerome Greene Hall. In the meantime, the best we’ve got is CULPA. Since his Freedom of Speech & Press class still has some vacancies, we’ve culled the best of PrezBo’s CULPA evaluations for the fall course offering: “Remember in Legally […]
Live at Lerner isn’t just for Wednesdays this week. Continuing their week-long music/food/happiness fest, Bacchanal, Postcrypt, and L@L present another installation of Symposium, your get-fed and get-cultured pre-Bacchanal special. As always, the magic will happen from 12 to 2 pm in the Lerner Piano Lounge. Rather than a traditional musical accompaniment, Live at Lerner presents […]
We’re here, the final day! It’s been a long journey, but all good things must end one day. It’s time for the last of the rising sophomores to traipse through, bleary eyes fixed upon the grand fortress of debauchery that is McBain Hall. We could continue waxing nostalgic at the end of our 2012 suite […]
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Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025