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Not everything you see is what it seems. Take note of this harrowing tale, recently overheard. Girl: This one time I was in the shampoo aisle at CVS and I thought this lady was using Bluetooth, but she really had a piece of string taped to her ear. Not a bluetooth via wikimedia.
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Interim Provost John Coatsworth and Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin sent an email a moment ago “to provide basic guidance in recognizing and responding to behavioral warning signs for potential threats to community safety.” Though the incident is not mentioned explicitly, one cannot help but be reminded of the tragic shooting that occurred earlier […]
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This afternoon the Columbia Undergraduate Admissions performed their ritual early decision annoucement send off. Belting “Roar, Lion, Roar”, the crew carried the decisions from Hamilton to the awaiting FedEx truck on College Walk. Now we have only to wait until some intrepid pre-frosh founds the Columbia Class of 2016 facebook group and a new generation of […]
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In this edition of Getting to Know, Connoisseur of Conifers Alex Enyon stopped to chat with the woman who runs the Christmas tree stand on Broadway between 111th and 112th. See anyone around campus you’d like to know about? Tell us! Molly Hatfield has Christmas in her blood. The cheerful mother of two grew up around her father’s Christmas tree stand, […]
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Nab a midday pick-me-up of vitamin C and icing— The Columbia University Photography Society is giving out free cupcakes and clementines now until 3 pm on the Lerner Ramps to promote their new exhibition, titled “12+12.” In an email, they describe the new project: Please join us Thursday, December 8th between 12 and 3pm on the Lerner […]
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When they aren’t whispering stories in our ear, Professors enjoy cooking up knowledge in the lab. In this weekly feature, Propugnator Scientiae Zach Kagan gives the low-down on what scientists at Columbia have been up to. In a new experiment neutrinos are detected to be still traveling faster than the speed of light. That’s right, the not-sure-if-trolling […]
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UPDATE: Athletics has confirmed that Pete Mangurian will coach Columbia football next year. He has an impressive track record at Cornell, Stanford, LSU and with the NFL. Notoriously un well-versed in sports, we were intrigued by the financial details of Columbia’s football team, detailed yesterday in the Times: The head coach of the football team […]
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Spec provides further context for the growing dissatisfaction with Dean Peña-Mora. (Spec) Our own faculty woes seem little in light of yesterday’s verdict that Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois, will serve to 14 years in prison for 18 counts of federal corruption. (Reuters) Columbia’s Manhattanville campus has forced the owner of a West Harlem Cuban restaurant to close shop for the past 18 […]
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Bwog literally runs on the human spirit. If you have lots of human spirit that you’d like to earmark for Bwog’s consumption, you should be a Daily Editor. Dailies get to ask people probing questions, get into events for free, have their words on the Internet, and consume lots of Westside cookies at meetings!* If […]
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Senior Satow Correspondents Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report from this week’s CCSC meeting. Topics covered at the meeting include the financial aid office, Bacchanal and their debts, along with various other policies along the way. FinAid: Student Services Rep Karishma Habbu has continued meetings with administrators from the Undergraduate Office of Financial Aid. It appears the Undergrad […]
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The leadership of SEAS Dean Feniosky Peña-Mora was brought under intense scrutiny in an article in The New York Times today. The story notes the numerous resignations of department heads since his arrival, citing frustration with his direction. This semester, two letters of no confidence in the Dean—signed by the majority of tenured faculty in SEAS—have been […]
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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024
as someone who has class at tc and then at barnard, cut through milbank on 119th instead of going through (read more)
15 Minutes: A Story Of Trials And Tribulations
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shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024
Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
Hooda-palooza: Campus Food Truck Review
October 5, 2024

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