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Night number two of this year’s Halloweekend—that’s a thing, we swear… use it—brings with it the longest line Morningside Heights has seen since Campo Mike first introduced “Cloud Nine Saturdays” (may they rest in peace). And fear not, freshpeople, you don’t even need a fake ID once you reach the front! A tipster reports a […]
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Just kidding! This is a lecturehop, but it did involve mountains of Mario’s creations. Bwog’s favorite foodie, Brian Donahoe, was there. Thursday evening, Bwog passed through the ever-enticing yet forbidding door of Casa Italiana, and after making it past security and up an imposing marble staircase took a seat in the Italian Academy’s fabled ballroom […]
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That throbbing noise you hear outside is the sound of Columbia students coming together for a rare moment of honest-to-goodness community. Head over to Low Plaza for the Chinese Students Club’s Night Market 2011: CU LIGHTS!  from 6 to 9 pm for an evening filled with free food, raffles, and sick student performances from Raw […]
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Toubib Or Not Toubib

Bwog’s Wednesday Daily Editor, Jed Bush, headed to Lerner Black Box last night to witness the biggest deal ever–Columbia does Hamlet. I’ve never been a particularly big fan of Shakespeare—my exposure in high school was mostly limited to second period English, where I used our class readings of As You Like It, Twelfth Night and […]
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Smiles for Hire

While this isn’t the first time we’ve encountered self-aware posters, we admittedly got a bit gushy after seeing this one. Spotted in Lerner, this bearer of good news seems eager to please. And judging by the looks of it, at least a couple people seem willing to take up the offer.
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Lost IPod Nano

Dark pink with a black cover and black earbuds. Lost in either Kent or Dodge Hall on 10/27. Large reward if found. Contact:
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Clubbin’ profiles some of the more unusual and eclectic student clubs around, from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to the Equestrian Club. This time we send Raph Debenedetti and Alison Herman, our noobiest of noobs when it comes to gaming, to battle beside and learn about the StarCraft Club. When you think of StarCraft, the enormously popular […]
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In the past, we’ve covered the whole spectrum of cooking all the way from the cooking essentials to Morningside’s exquisite dishes. This week, we challenged our fearless chef Matt Powell to enter where maintenance seldom ventures—the dorm kitchen. Contributor Marcus Levine offered to descend with him to the lowest depths of foodie hell. Matt recounts […]
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With the latest round of midterms (hopefully) coming to an end, it’s finally time to brood over your professor’s office for that recommendation letter she promised weeks ago. We’ve got two different kinds of office hours for you starting next week. First, Deantini will be hosting an informal meet-and-greet on Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 pm in […]
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Interested in running for mayor? Have a record? Christine Quinn, Bill de Blasio and Scott Stringer are among the prospective candidates touting their arrest records for civil disobedience. Even former mastermind Bill Clinton knows it’s not always “a question of did he inhale or not” (NYT) To solve the city’s growing litter problem, the MTA […]
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Lost Phone

an Android LG G2X, in the broadway 3rd floor computer lab today (10/27) around 6 pm. It’s in a clear case and it’s locked. Contact:
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It’s the blue, Columbia/Barnard custom edition of Gente. It’s spiral bound. Contact if found.
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What floor is the "one half a double" and "full double" picture taken on? (read more)
Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2022: Furnald
August 19, 2024
Another alum here and I echo this sentiment! #GoodRiddance I am so glad Minouche resigned because it should not have (read more)
Columbia President Minouche Shafik Announces Resignation, Interim President Announced
August 16, 2024

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