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Tonight’s free screening of “Waiting For Superman” promises some sort of food alongside the documentary, which is about the failures of American public education. The event will take place at 8 pm in Fayerweather 313. Go get your culture on! The classiest of timepieces via Wikimedia Commons.
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From some reason, some people feel really uncomfortable about sitting down at a bar and asking the bartender for a Blowjob. It’s sad really, because the Blowjob is a fantastically delicious shot that is as fun as it is messy. But in case you can’t bring yourself to order it at a bar, we’ve got […]
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As Dylan once professed, the times they are a-changin’. Although he wasn’t really referring to the climate, we’re going to extrapolate his message and use that as a lede here. Last night, welfare economics/climate change enthusiast Peter Krawczyk got Low (ha!) with Professors Stiglitz and Dasgupta. Hopping ensued. The Fourth Annual Arrow Lecture in honor of […]
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Nussbaum & Boo

The over-priced but much-revered eatery is not open for business today! When asked, those inside deferred to this sign on the door. When Bwog called for comment they hung up on us. Womp. Perhaps the Commisioner of Health and Mental Hygiene was seeking retribution after the Pizza Days price hike. At least the weather’s nice, […]
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There’s a lot to overhear in Lerner, from the incessant piano playing to the chiming of elevators as they go up and down and up and down or sometimes just linger on one floor with their doors opening and closing. Oh, and then there are the student conversations. Without further ado, we present a series […]
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Rise and… shine? Nah, that would be too much to ask. Just rise and shuffle over to class. But afterward, when you’ve been awake for an appropriate amount of time to “shine,” consider doing so at the Greenmarket. The lineup: The return of Lani’s Farm, complete with “greens of all types” (but probably not the […]
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Brace yourselves for The (Less) Social Network Part II: Gratuitous Hashtags. Some allegations about Twitter’s beginnings have been made and it doesn’t look like it’ll play out in less that 140 characters. #SoMuchDrama (Business Insider, NYMag) Kobe Bryant was fined $100,000 over a homophobic slur he made to a ref during a game on Tuesday. […]
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More election results just in, this time from the Spring 2011 ESC decision. About 125 students voted for the classes of 2012 and 13, and nearly 200 for 2014. 498 students total voted for the other representatives; for more details, check out the full vote breakdown (PDF). Cheers guys! 2012: Judy Kim (President), Mailing Wu […]
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Arrest on Campus

An unidentified person was arrested minutes ago on College Walk. According to a tipster, the cab on the right is actually an undercover cop car (just like the movies!), and another tipster informed us that the person arrested was a man wearing a backpack shouting, “What did I do?” Apparently around a dozen cops surrounded […]
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The winners of the Spring 2011 CCSC elections were just announced! See the full PDF, or read the highlights below. According to the CCSC Election Board, “This election was both the most competitive in recent memory and also that with the highest turnout, with approximately 45% of Columbia College voting.” Executive Board: CUCharge: Aki Terasaki […]
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Where Art Thou?

Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond (basically all the cool events your friends are in/on/at). If you would like your club’s event, The Edgar Allen Floe Society’s Spring Concert, posted on Bwog, now you can! E-mail […]
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How exactly did the prospects for General Selection get so dire?  Director Guru of Housing and Bwog’s new best friend Joyce Jackson explained that of course “it is always hard to say how many people will drop down to General from Suite Selection.” While she noted that fewer students have been moving off campus in […]
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CU, Abbrevs.

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Move-In Monday

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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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