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Yes, all those are supposed to be capitalized. Caps-lock expert and intrepid Bwog tipster Alexandra Svokos reviews Thursday’s opening NOMADS WORDPLAY 2011 production, part of the two-week long CARAVAN (Columbia Artists Reaching Audiences ViA NOMADS) festival . The CARAVAN experience begins with free food in a cozy atmosphere. The food and performance are free—and with […]
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Bwog’s senior science correspondent Ricky Raudales explains all the crazy studies and experiments that Columbian scientists do. Last night, he got to check out all the crazy art that Columbia scientists make when he previewed Through the Looking Glass, an artistic celebration of science. Through the Looking Glass will run tonight from 5–7pm in Wien […]
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Waldo was sad when he heard about Columbia’s ranking as the most stressful school and wanted to cheer us up, so he took a break from visiting museums, cruise ships, and other places where large numbers of people congregate. He visited the Low Steps in the middle of a small street fair yesterday. Can you […]
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GSSC Election Results In

We’ve already seen the election results for CCSC, ESC, and SGA. Now, here are the election results for the General Studies Student Council! Student Body President: Jacqueline Thong – 54.3% of votes VP-Policy: Benjamin Paladino – 77.1% of votes VP-Finance: Joshua Lewin-Jacus – 44.2% of votes VP-Communications: Mahogany Wright – 43.0% of votes VP-Student Events: […]
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Make the most of the fact that it’s not raining and that you couldn’t go to Coachella by attending our very own music festival! All fans of free food, sick up-and-coming indie bands, and sitting on the (Barnard) lawns should check out the 18th Annural WBAR-B-Q, student-run radio station WBAR’s outdoor barbecue and new music […]
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Undergrads apparently. The battle has begun to determine, once and for all, whether economists or politicians will rule the world IAB. The Economics Society and Political Science Students Association are going head to head right now in full out warfare, capture the flag style, fighting to the death in Riverside Park. The winner gets to […]
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Today, there will be a symposium to honor Donald Keene, CC ’42, MA ’47, PhD ’49, University Professor emeritus, and one of the most celebrated scholars of Japanese culture in the world. He even has a Center of Japanese Culture named after him! After a brief stint lecturing at Cambridge, Keene began teaching at Columbia […]
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Ivo Sanader Gordon Bajnai, former prime minister of Hungary, will be a visiting scholar at Columbia in the Fall. Hopefully, he won’t suffer the same fate as Ivo Sanader, the last former prime minister of an Eastern European country to visit Columbia. (Politics.HU) Why does Snoop Dogg need us to pay him so much for […]
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Take Back Tonight

At 8pm this evening, the 23rd annual Take Back the Night rally will begin at the Barnard Gates. Participants will march through the streets of Morningside Heights and reconvene in LeFrak Gymnasium at 10pm for a Speakout. All are welcome join, but only women will lead the line. The Take Back the Night march demonstrates […]
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Tonight’s free screening of “Waiting For Superman” promises some sort of food alongside the documentary, which is about the failures of American public education. The event will take place at 8 pm in Fayerweather 313. Go get your culture on! The classiest of timepieces via Wikimedia Commons.
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From some reason, some people feel really uncomfortable about sitting down at a bar and asking the bartender for a Blowjob. It’s sad really, because the Blowjob is a fantastically delicious shot that is as fun as it is messy. But in case you can’t bring yourself to order it at a bar, we’ve got […]
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As Dylan once professed, the times they are a-changin’. Although he wasn’t really referring to the climate, we’re going to extrapolate his message and use that as a lede here. Last night, welfare economics/climate change enthusiast Peter Krawczyk got Low (ha!) with Professors Stiglitz and Dasgupta. Hopping ensued. The Fourth Annual Arrow Lecture in honor of […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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