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When they’re not having a jamboree or bringing light to the world, Columbia faculty enjoy getting dirty in the lab. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Not Bill Nye But Still a Science Guy Correspondent Ricky Raudales. Following the publication of the two largest […]
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Dearest friends, So it begins. The meeting to decide the fate of all the remaining issues of The Blue and White magazine for this school year. Epic. Join the staff of The Blue and White at our meeting tonight, Monday night, at 9 pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel. We will be taking […]
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The Abacchalypse approaches! CU Records has selected the 10 bands that will compete on Friday, April 15th to be the opening band at Bacchanal. A panel of 3 outside judges and an audience vote will determine the winner of the Battle of the Bands. Check out the bands’ websites to whet your palette: Simon Herzog […]
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APAHM will be doling out free apple pie and Chinese food tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Lerner Broadway Room for their event, appropriately titled “As American As Chinese Takeout.” Chinese-American journalist Jennifer 8 Lee will speak about Chinese food in the United States. Little slice of America via Wikimedia Commons.
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A tipster spotted this questionable queue in Harmony computer lab. Keep Printing Sexy:
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Last Thursday renowned sexologist Jane Bogart came to Columbia to teach us how to flirt. The curious and coquettish Noel Duan attended. YouTube clips and Powerpoint lectures are usually more associated with class than with campus dating, but last Thursday night, Schermerhorn 614 was host to the Art of Flirting, a workshop given by Jane Bogart, a renowned […]
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What happens when you give Columbia students 11 rolls of tin foil… Matt Jacobs, CC ’11, gave credit to the industrious schemers of this April Fools’ joke in an email: The ringleaders were Laura Vican BC ’11 and Nate Christian CC ’11, Yujie Zheng SEAS ’11 and John Haney CC ’11 were their main helpers. […]
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CCSC just unveiled the line up for College Days, an annual celebration of student performances and free stuff. This year’s theme is The Great American Roadtrip. Accordingly, every day’s activities have a city-based theme (though the theoretical itinerary doesn’t really seem physically possible). Check out the promotional video below. It seems a certain someone is fast becoming the […]
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Day five marks the start of a new week, but we’re still here! We’re down to 10-point groups, and with only doubles left, expect a ton of pairing up to happen. Sophomores doing housing for the first time, some words of wisdom: show up to your appointment a few minutes early, grab some of the […]
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As the flowers by Havermeyer bloom, and we enter our first week of weather with steady highs in the 60s, it’s safe to say, after all the false starts, spring has sprung! Enjoy these wonderful picures by Ravi Bhalla, CC’13.
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CSA will serve free food from Havana Central and hold a raffle for movie tickets during their Open House from 12 pm to 4 pm today in 403 Lerner. They’ll also offer 15-minute meetings, no appointments necessary. Remember— class registration is form April 11th to 15th. There’s nothing like the fiery taste of authentic Cuban cuisine […]
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CCSC cooked it up. Brian Wagner ate it down. The Council talked about granting Barnard swipe access to Columbia dorms. In the past, insurance and other legal matters have barred student government from changing the current system. The Council resolved to investigate these barriers and to see if any additional ones existed. They also plan to discuss […]
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