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Posts Tagged with "meat and greet"

Yesterday, legendary Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto and Jordan Sand, chair of Georgetown’s Japanese History Department, teamed up to help give the rest of the world a taste of what it means to be a master culinary artist. Bwog’s resident authority on all things edible/Closeted Iron Chef fan, freshman Bijan Samareh, was in attendance to give […]

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Save your pleas for a free swipe into John Jay for another day, and join celeb guests Dean Peter Awn and poet Staceyann Chin for a menu that sounds so good, we almost don’t want to share it with you. The Queer Awareness Month Opening Ceremony brings you free Dinosaur BBQ—ribs and grilled portobello mushrooms, […]

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Just when you thought you had really got the local beer/look ma I read Michael Pollan!-thing down, a new facet of  virtuous food consumption is revealed. From 9 – 5 every Saturday, Community Markets curates gathering of farmers and artisinal food producers. Located at the corner of 110th St and Manhattan Avenue (the southeast corner […]

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Vegans and Vegetarians, avert your eyes! But carnivores, it’s time for us to use our gratuitous “meat and greet” tag, and you should start salivating. This week Matt Powell covers the basics of beef, pork, burgers, and chicken. Beef Know where your meat comes from! The Culinary Society has a handy guide to choosing cuts and such. […]

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Korilla—yeah, that’s a portmanteau of “Korea” and “grill”—has been known to Columbians for some time now as a purveyor of insanely delicious burritos, tacos, and bowls. Recently, it’s drawn national attention, winning Rookie Vendor of the Year at the 7th annual Vendy Awards and, more controversially, getting kicked off the Food Network’s Great Food Truck […]

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If you haven’t eaten lunch yet or just happen to love keeping your meat-truck options open, you might want to head down to Broadway and 114th. There you will find a pair of new(ish) food trucks: a bright green NYC Healthy Bites cart, and a recently updated red/orange Frites ‘n Meats.    

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