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Chris Coles (CC ’12), Harrison David (SEAS ’12), Adam Klein (CC ’12), Joseph Stephen Perez (aka Stephan Vincenzo, CC ’12), and Michael Wymbs (SEAS ’11), who were arrested in Operation Ivy League, will appear in a hearing tomorrow at the Criminal Term of the Supreme Civil Court on 111 Centre St., beginning at 9:45 a.m. […]
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In our last hometown tale from the March ’09 issue of the Blue and White, Katie Reedy defends her beloved Buffalo. And for those who’ve already moved back to school, we recommend this essay/love letter—perhaps the ultimate hometown piece. Friends, you’re living in the best city in the world. If you’ve ever talked to a […]
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last seen 1/16/10. Could be around JJ/McBain/Ec need to find asap
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Tomorrow begins a new semester, but you still have all of last semester’s books lying around and none for the Spring. Have no fear! In this “Information Age” we live in, there is a smörgåsbord of methods for dumping old books and purchasing new ones, and we’ve compiled a list of them for you. Online: […]
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At last night’s Golden Globes, the rich and famous came together to celebrate themselves, while us normal people gawked and asked “who they wore?” Gervais hurt some feelings, Helena Bonham Carter wore two different shoes, and The Social Network took home 4 pretty trinkets. (We love you, Aaron Sorkin!) This week in brouhahas, Amy Chua’s […]
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In this next installment of tales from homeville, hear from Daily Editor Liz Jacob on the much-maligned Long Island, and read a submission from New Mexico-native Simon Rimmele. Other reader dispatches are more than welcome. Send your photos and anecdotes to Roslyn Heights, NY I live on Long Island. Specifically, I live in a small […]
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Free [Hidden Item]!

Hidden behind this mass of hustlin’ and bustlin’ New Yorkers on 112th and Broadway is a man giving away free flavored beverages. Points to whoever can guess what they are!
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A Bwogger discovered this mysterious note, reading “Anton Ivanovich Denkin. Move white army troops in strategic position around St. Petersberg (alla Petrograd). Granted.” Long-distance risk? Not exactly, Model UN is in full force this weeked. Overachieving high schoolers swarm campus! Bwogger and CMUNCE member Conor Skelding tells us committee notes aren’t always so PC. He […]
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In this latest installment of tales from homeville, we hear from two corners of the US: Idaho and Florida. Varsity rowing correspondent Sylvie Krekow writes from Sun Valley, and enviably tan correspondent Lily Icangelo reports from Lake Worth. As always, you’re more than welcome to send in your own dispatches via Sun Valley, Idaho […]
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Help yourself to some more newsy musings from Bwog’s cluttered Columbia Bureau desk. We proclaim this edition loosely linked by the theme of exploring. Baxter Wood “drives around in a big truck,” listens to free university lecture podcasts and blogs about his “reeducation.” It’s learning for the sake of it! Recently Wood reviewed a lecture […]
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Not everyone is deterred by our delinquency! According to Spec, Dean Jessica Marinaccio, Decider of Fates, reported that the admissions office received a whopping 34,587 regular-decision apps this year. Following a record number of early applicants, that makes an overall 32% increase from last year in total applications to Columbia. Marinaccio announced in March that […]
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The Future Is Now!

The look of the future is here! Following this week’s earlier redesign of CubMail’s login page, Columbia’s home page got its own makeover today. Eye candy and gloss abound, and nifty transitions are hidden everywhere. Some parts of Columbia’s online presence still remain unchanged though, notably the undergraduate admissions and financial services pages. And because […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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