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Brian Wagner keeps you informed! CCSC shook things up last night and started with a game of “Pat on the Back”! Sheets of construction paper, each labeled with a council member’s name, adorned the Satow room. CCSCers wrote compliments on their fellow members’ sheets and took their respective papers home after the meeting. Then shit […]
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Last week, Conor defended the PE requirement, but Carly Silver wasn’t entirely convinced. Below, she tells you how to dodge unnecessarily strenuous activity in Dodge. Moving is totally overrated anyway. Register wisely, friends! After all the month-long weight gain known as the holiday season, spring semester brings another opportunity to beat the bulge, Columbia-style. For […]
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One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like Bwog has, […]
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It’s the end of an era: Four Loko will no longer be shipped to New York State. We’ll never 4get you, “blackout in a can.” Reminisce, dear readers, and stay tuned for a Four Loko themed poll. How will the restless masses react without their Jolly Rancher flavored Satan sweat? Hoard? Deal? (NYTimes) We’ve got […]
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Village Copier was broken into within the last hour. Multiple tipsters have confirmed that the glass door has been shattered. There are currently six cops milling about 112th and Broadway who couldn’t confirm what happened when a Bwogger stopped by. Eerily similar to that time a few months ago when a drunk dude smashed the door […]
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BwogWeather was hungry this week. Special thanks to Arvin Ahmadi, AJ Garcia, Wilma, Columbia Dining Services, Victoria Dunn, Aaron Gomes, and congratulations to our new BwogWeather intern, Pauline Baudon.  
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There really are kids on campus, and this isn’t the first time we’ve spotted one of their adorable little bikes. This tricked out Radio Flyer was parked in front of Avery, so naturally it’s fixed-gear.
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shORCHESIS Showcase

Bwog’s Staff Dance Enthusiast Megan McGregor reports… Yesterday, the line for the TIC to see Orchesis’ fall 2010 showcase was so long that it went outside of Lerner and even caused many to miss the first half of the show. If you decide to go to the second and final showing of “down by the […]
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Today marks the beginning of the Social Experiment! Enthusiastic experimenters (and strangers) will be trading prompts and passwords on elevators, on college walk, and on the ramps…or will they? Res Life certainly thinks they will, and there’s a $500 prize for the most avid password collector. Go get to know each other, Columbia. Image via […]
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Last night, the Columbia community gathered in Earl Hall to witness University Raqs, an undulating conclusion to the 3rd Annual Intercollegiate Middle Eastern Dance Conference, hosted by Columbia’s own CU Bellydance. Bwog’s resident Abdominal Expert Liz Jacob now reports. Guests at last night’s University Raqs were treated to an evening of bellydance performed by troupes […]
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Things to Remember

Tomorrow marks the beginning of pre-registration for SEAS, GS, and CC! If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to consult the directory of classes, send an email to your advisor (maybe even get one back!) and take the first steps toward next semester’s homework. Bwog hopes you get into that Music Hum section, even […]
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New Email Scam

Heads up today: apparently a new email scam is going around. No, there is no such thing as a Columbia Webmail Account, but we’ve seen worse scams. Don’t send personal information to strange email addresses! Full email below. From: Mail Administrator Sender: To: (Recipient List Suppressed) ReplyTo: Subject: Columbia University in the City […]
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Lost: Scarf

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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