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This evening, the Journalism School is presenting the Maria Moors Cabot Prizes, but only three of the four winners will be in attendance. The fourth, blogger Yoani Sanchez, will have to spend the night in her homeland of Cuba, where the one-party government has refused to let the dissident blogger leave.  Sanchez’s Generation Y is […]
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Horchata is really good, apparently. Or so you might think after listening to the newest single from Columbia alums Vampire Weekend, off their second album Contra. Word on the street is that the album (dropping in January 2010) is the heavy favorite for “most formulaic Stuff White People Like Post of the Year.” Bwog has […]
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It’s only a small step towards a brave new world of medicine, but scientists in Columbia’s Biomedical Engineering Department, led by Professor Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, have successfully created part of a jaw joint from stem cells. The scientists say that the joint (at right) is the first “complex, anatomically-sized bone” created using stem cells, and will […]
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On Monday night, CC Dean Michele Moody-Adams decided to mix up the traditional dean-student mixer by offering dinner and a movie. Official pizza correspondent Mahrah Taufique attended: Michele Moody-Adams – professor, writer, philosopher and now Dean of Columbia College and Vice President for Undergraduate Education – is doing her best to be far more approachable […]
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Back today and here to stay on alternate Wednesdays, QuickTix brings you the most popular shows and tips on what to see from behind the desk of the TIC. So far, what have October’s top shows been?  5. American Masters presents Joan Baez. 4. “Oleanna.” Just maybe because one of the stars is Columbia alum […]
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Comptroller William Thompson learns it may be even more difficult to defeat Mayor Mike Bloomberg. (Times) You might find the subway moving more slowly today. (NY1) Mob killer: No one told me prison life would be hard! (Daily News) Packed schedule keeping you from watching TV? Try the Internet! It’s eight minutes shorter! (Spectator) Second […]
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Sean Zimmerman reports. The Engineering Student Council held its inaugural meeting with the new, almost-uncontested freshman class council, as well as new University Senator Cherie Meyer.  Bathabile Mthombeni from Columbia’s Ombuds Office opened the meeting. Baffled readers might ponder what branch of Columbia’s bureaucratic web the “Office” represents — perhaps another dubiously named den of […]
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   If you’re in need of fur coats, chicken kebabs, or chunky necklaces that harken back to Santa Fe circa 1990, stop by the crafts fair on Low running today and tomorrow.
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Numerous tipsters have highlighted the featured article in today’s Times arts section, about the still-under-construction Northwest Science Building, and its architect, Jose Rafeo Moneo. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the many difficulties that the project has faced, including building on top of the gym, complementing the Manhattanville expansion, and, um, anonymous commenters.  Yes, […]
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Bwog tipster Frederick Havemeyer informs us that in John Jay, custom is slowly becoming law:   Good luck lugging Westside bags up five flights of stairs, freshmen — you can start preparing early for that walkup that awaits you after graduation.
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Bwog’s Dane Cook (yep, it’s the same name, let’s just move on) reports from last night’s meeting. The unceasing plea for student support at Columbia sporting events found voice yet again at the outset of Monday’s SGA meeting. Assistant director of sports marketing, Dan Spiegel, attended to encourage council members to attend Saturday’s homecoming football […]
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Katharine Abrams, Bwog’s culinary expert, reports Still dreaming of butternut squash soup and sage ravioli, I hope to soon see Community Food and Juice without brown paper lining its windows.  However, Community’s indefinite close does have its advantages, namely forcing me to explore other dining options near campus. In its wake, Pio Pio, a Peruvian rotisserie […]
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024

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