Last night, Bwog might have been mentally preparing for 420 by letting off some steam at 1020, where we might have played some darts. Our game might have evolved into a screaming rivalry, and we might have gone Hulk mode after losing. There’s no way to know for sure—all we have to go by is this cellphone photo […]
Businesses are preparing for a fourth quarter in 2012 that will surely be devastating. That one special on History Channel about Mayan calendars has forced those in retail to start packing their boxes, and those in the alcoholic beverage industry to start stocking up on glow sticks and PBR for their spin on “The End of the World” party. […]
There are many ways to celebrate the Super Bowl, but it’s pretty much a universal law that they all involve chili. With that said, the line has to be drawn somewhere—and it’s here: Does 1020 even have a kitchen? And if so, what’s it being used for the other 364 days of the year?
The life of a second-semester senior is usually pretty relaxed—we’re nearing the time of year when you realize that you’ve wrapped up your major requirements and now are pursuing a concentration in 1020. But alas, these hazy, lazy days will soon come to an end, and there’s no better wake up call than an alarming […]
Some times the devil is in the details. Other times its in the name. Girl 1: Where’s 1020? Girl 2: On Amsterdam somewhere… Girl 1: Like, where? It’s a pretty long street…. Girl 2: I don’t know… I’ve never been there before. Bwog recommends brushing up on your celestial navigation before setting out on this […]
Be on the lookout for the November and December issues of The Blue & White, on campus this week everywhere you look in Butler. As we always have done, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Below, Tom Humphreys asks a very important question: who […]
Always striving for topicality and curious as to whether 1020 would be offering a little something special on the date with which they share their name, we conducted the following, very brief interview: 1020: Hello, 1020, how may I help you? Bwog: Hi, I was wondering if you’re doing anything special beause it— 1020: No. Bwog: You’re […]
To the lad that fellow ale-sipper-cum-tipster Amanda Gutterman spotted last night: That splitting pain in your head is actually from 1020’s massive front window that you plowed into.
1020 groupies rejoice! That booth where you had one too many tinis is now famous. The latest prep school misfits movie, The Art of Getting By, stars Emma Roberts (the one from Aquamarine—which maybe made you tear up that one time) and the Wes Anderson look-alike from the trippy version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Isn’t […]
If you haven’t already heard, uniformed policemen raided Campo and the Heights on Friday, and 1020 and Mel’s the following night. According to a sophomore, the cops entered 1020 at 12:30am and approached a group of students sitting at one of the front booths. “Can I see your fake IDs? Let us see your fake […]
Sometimes, fresh-people, in a seminar, or at a party, someone will reference something that used to exist and doesn’t anymore, and you will have to nod your head or laugh knowingly. Ah yes, Morningside is like, so gentrified, you will say. We asked alumni of The Blue and White and Bwog for places, events, and […]
We hear Campo has been a real shitshow (always the fresh-person word of choice to describe anything) the last few nights. Explore your other options, limited as they may be, with bar trading cards, originally posted in last year’s Orientation Blue & White. Have fun post-gaming your Intrepid party! Illustrations by Stephen Davan. Click to […]
The Health Department is, as of this summer, requiring that every restaurant in New York display the letter grades they most recently received for cleanliness. This is a nightmare for everyone; it’s rare that any restaurant will sneak away with no health violations. The grades will be assigned during the next year, when the Health […]
The Blue and White investigates everything you left at the bar last weekend. “It’s just like an Ivy League Eugene O’Neill play,” says Tim Monaghan of the trails of lost luxuries left behind weekly by Columbia students. While bartending 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., Monday to Thursday, Monaghan witnesses students leave behind everything from keys […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025