All sorts of plans grace the headlines today: President Obama is to lay down his blueprint for economic recovery tonight. (NYTimes) Blueprint appreciated: Barnard’s Diana Center is the recipient of the American Institute of Architects 2011 Honor Awards for Architecture. Someone who knows the blueprints of NYC: Columbia University’s Professor Kenneth T. Jackson (of midnight […]
Columbia has announced the next step in its plans for Manhattanville. In the wake of a $100 million donation earlier this year, the architecture firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro has been chosen to design the new Business School. The first architects to win a MacArthur Fellowship will draw up plans for two buildings, some of […]
We pondered its meaning, and delighted in its reflections. This building has been going up for years, but has managed to remain mysteriously shrouded in scaffolding. No longer! A day before the building officially opened on Friday, Bwog had the opportunity to join a group of journalists on an architectural tour of the building, guided […]
Well not Revson Plaza, really. What do you call that spot on the EC/SIPA/Law School plaza that’s right behind the Law School and looks down into the Wien courtyard? As of sometime in 2011, you’ll call it the fancy new Law School extension, and if you have Law Library privileges, you’ll call it “the reading […]
“When Columbia builds, the city cringes.” (New York) Why New York is a city of superheroes. (City Room) Legos will solve all the city’s problems. (NY Post) We will not be scammed! (NYDaily)
"It will become one of those landmarks that marks the city, one that you can see from all the way down Broadway."
The abandoned stone structure on 119th and Amsterdam sort of looks like a medieval castle – a very, very small one. It isn’t quite the stuff of architecture classes, but the little building stands out – you’ve probably wondered what it is or was as you passed the forgotten, weedy lot. It’s not like there’s […]
Numerous tipsters have highlighted the featured article in today’s Times arts section, about the still-under-construction Northwest Science Building, and its architect, Jose Rafeo Moneo. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the many difficulties that the project has faced, including building on top of the gym, complementing the Manhattanville expansion, and, um, anonymous commenters. Yes, […]
The new issue of the Blue and White is on a Butler desk or newstand near you! Daniel Libeskind is one of the world’s most famous architects, having designed some of the most striking buildings of the past two decades, including Berlin’s Jewish Museum, the extension to the Denver Art Museum, and Toronto’s Michael Lee-Chin […]
Intrepid Bwog contributor, frequent Bwog commenter, and skyscraper enthusiast Alex Weinberg sends us a tip about some questionable iconogrpahy: “KSA is advertising some sort of culture show on a thousand balloons and fliers and posters all over the campus. Non engineers/architects may not appreciate this, but they completely fucked up and branded their show with […]
While Bwog enjoyed the sunny weather on such a splendid day, several things also caught our attention: Bacchanal festivities coincided with today’s, er, other special celebrations, including Battle of the Bands, a much-too-limited barbecue, a moonwalk, and a sorority-sponsored “munchies” sale. Columbia’s beloved mascot was also spotted roaming about (pictured to the right), giving hugs […]
It won’t be completed during the studies of any current Columbia undergrad, but the lucky prefrosh admitted to the Class of 2011 will, at least, be able to feast their eyes on this sight by their senior year. Behold, the José Rafael Moneo-designed Northwest Science Building, to be constructed over the erstwhile tennis courts between Havemeyer […]
Bwog could not help but notice architecture students toiling in the spartan studios of Buell Hall in the early morning hours last week on something very much like this vaguely geodesic sculpture, which has now managed to find its way to the puny lawn in front of Avery. Is it someone’s desperate attempt to stand […]
In which Bwog staffer Mark Krotov familiarizes us with the places you can find him when he’s supposed to be in class. I love inhospitable environments. When placed in settings that are unfriendly, unattractive, or simply odd, I find that I enjoy myself a little more than I do in a place that is comfortable […]
‘subtly layered urban experience’ ‘the weight of history and the lightness of clouds’ ‘the work of a master who has reached full maturity.’ Esoteric new form of free verse? No–just selections from today’s New York Times review of the latest creation of Renzo Piano, the Italian architect whom Columbia has retained to design its space-agey […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025