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Posts Tagged with "bacchanal 2015"

This year’s Spring Bacchanal was doomed to mediocrity from the start. Henry Litwhiler explores why. Of over 10,000 undergraduate students at Columbia, a total of 6,000 could have been given legitimate access to this year’s Bacchanal. Of those 6,000 spots, perhaps 5,000 were actually reserved by students, and fewer than 3,000 of them were present at any […]

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Bacchanal has come and gone, which means bring on the hangovers and problem sets! Before you attempt to readjust to normality, though, we want to hear your best stories from this year’s concert. Did a public safety officer confiscate your booze tubes disguised as tampons? Did you share some intense eye contact with Big Sean while he […]

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In about 24 hours, most of Columbia will begin celebrating the blessed holy day of Bacchanal. To give you a soundtrack to your pregame, we bring you the (un)official playlist featuring the three big acts of the day—Big Sean, Brenmar, and Raury. By listening to this, you might actually know a couple of songs by Brenmar […]

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Saturday is finally the day that most students dream about as they drool on their laptop after falling asleep at 2 AM in ButCaf—Bacchanal! One Bwogger brings you a guide to survive the best day of the year as a Columbia student and actually have a memorable experience (depending on whether or not you can actually remember […]

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This afternoon, CCSC released a press release stating the council would pay up to $11,164 for 2,000 additional students to attend Bacchanal on top of the original ticket sales earlier this month. This payment would also open the West Lawn and the Butler Lawn to allow for students to stand during the concert. The 2,000 […]

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The Spectator reported on a proposal sent to the Undergraduate Student Councils this morning. ESC has just released an official response approving the proposal and funding a subsidy to help with the costs of opening the lawns and hiring safety personnel. The full text of the ESC proposal is included below. Post will be updated […]

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Tonight, the Bacchanal committee issued a press release in regards to the religious conflicts with the date for this year’s spring concert. In response to many students complaints about the concert date falling on the weekend of Passover and Easter, the Board responded by saying the date was the only option given graduation set up […]

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Bacchanal has officially sold out of all 4,000 tickets as of tonight according to the Bacchanal board. With sales beginning at 8 AM, the concert was able to sell all tickets in less than 12 hours. Given the statement from Bacchanal yesterday afternoon, students who did not purchase a ticket today will not be able to attend the […]

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Today the Bacchanal committee announced this year’s spring concert headliner will be Big Sean. Compared to last year’s headliner, a Lupe Fiasco, Big Sean brings a more current vibe to the concert having just dropped a new album called Dark Sky Paradise this past February in addition to his array of previous hit$. Big Sean […]

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Bacchanal is now a month away and one component of the annual concert of good jams before us is now common knowledge. At the Battle of the Bands on Friday night, Liberty Styles scored itself the spot as the student opening gig for undisclosed headliner at this year’s Bacchanal. To become tight with the newest on-campus celebrities, Music […]

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Want to leave an equally infamous Bacchanal legacy as that of Fountain Girl & Co? Have something to brag to your kids about when you speak of the college wonder years by submitting a sample of your very on music to the Bacchanal Committee to put you in the running to start off the one day a […]

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Bwog received a press release this afternoon from the Bacchanal Board informing us that a Spring Bacchanal concert will be held on April 4, 2015. This change in date allows for the concert to not fall during the Days on Campus weekend as it has in previous years. While some concerns about the state of Bacchanal have come up through students […]

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