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Posts Tagged with "bagels and stuff"

Ever since Nuss closed, we all have been searching for a new place to get delicious bagels from. Living in the city that’s famously known for its bagels sets high standards for the food, but here are a few places in MoHi you can visit to fulfill your needs.  Some good options: Obviously, its Absolute Bagels on […]

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Sure, we reported this a day early, but at least it’s still happening. Columbia/Barnard Hillel, a.k.a. “our HILLEL that Never Sleeps!” is having a free brunch today at 12:30 (i.e. now). It’s on the 3rd floor of the Hillel Building, which is at 606 W. 115th street, right across from Schapiro. And the extra time […]

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Second breakfast, charcoal, and quaintness – it’s yours on Sunday morning. It’s all thanks to a school spirit organization, a women’s college, and an outdated, ye-olde-style philosophical debate group. First on the agenda this morning, WBAR has their annual WBAR-B-Q on Lehman Lawn at 11:00 AM.  It’s free, several bands are playing, and there are […]

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Free Food Alert!

This morning CSIS – Columbia Students for International Service – brings their humanitarian mission to you in the form of free bagels and coffee.  If you’re into cross-cultural learning and exchange, being a responsible citizen of the world and bettering all of humanity (or if you could just use a free bagel with schmear,)  head […]

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For our next installment in a series on the best of what Greater Morningside has to offer: bagels (with apologies to those celebrating Yom Kippur). In order to maintain at least the pretence of fairness, in choosing bagel places to review, I stuck with those that either explicitly define themselves as bagelries (meaning they probably […]

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In celebration of the beginning of High Holidays, Bwog offers a roundup of the city’s finest nosh purveyors.  Spice up your Rosh Hashanah spread with some alternatives to Zabars. Russ and Daughters If Westside’s lox doesn’t do it for you, then head to the Lower East Side for delicious smoked salmon in addition to a […]

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Don’t worry if you slept through brunch! “Bagels and stuff” courtesy of the Debate Team in the Lerner Party Space, says tipster Christopher Morris-Lent.

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