One Bold, Barnard Bwogger ventured into The Stacks for the first time in search of a silent study spot. Instead, she met the lifeless, scared-shitless abyss known as The Stacks.
Senior Staff Writer Levi Cohen on the agony and the ecstasy of the start of the semester.
Some spaces on Columbia’s campus are liminal. Some are profane. Some invite a Bwog post by a Barnard writer literally every day. But a few spaces are just downright cursed. This writer, currently nearing the end of her most recent all-nighter on the eighth floor of Butler, believes this space belongs in that third category. […]
Do you recall a time before you’d stepped foot into Butler Library? Do you remember the innocence you once had? Staff writer Jordan Merrill does, and she has some evidence-based theories of what happens on the inside™. Every Monday through Thursday as I make the stroll to my classes from Carman to the north end […]
It’s 2 am on Monday morning, and you’re working on a particularly hopeless 10-page paper. You’ve staked out the perfect seat in Butler Library – optimal lighting, plenty of table space, and far enough away from the bathroom that leaving your seat to pee feels like a break. The room’s silence keeps you in the […]
Who knew you could use your Columbia or Barnard ID to get into NYU’s Bobst library? Senior staffer Sarah Dahl has the scoop, thanks to her NYU connects. FYI, it’s pronounced B- OH – BST, with a long O, not like BOBst as in Bob’s your uncle. First things first about Bobst: Columbia and Barnard […]
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream–actually, we all scream because we’re stressed af! Finals aren’t done yet (soon, though). Midnight tonight outside Butler (but also, everywhere), there will be a semesterly primal scream, wherein studious members of the Columbia community gather together to scream their hearts out. Don’t be bothered. It’s […]
Bwog is back with another installment of Library Reviews! Today, we take a look at a classic: Butler 209. Whether 209 is your go-to spot (*ahem* like me) or simply a relic of Orgo Nights past, join us on a journey through this age-old Butler classic. Location: Butler Library, Room 209. Enter Butler and turn either […]
Typically, finding a a seat in The Reference Room (also known by its street name “Ref”), can be as challenging as surviving Columbia’s demanding curriculum. However, during finals it’s impossible to secure a seat if you don’t head to Butler before 8 am. I’ve learned a few things after spending more time here than in my actual living quarters, and […]
Ugh, you thought you’d scheduled all your events on Google Calendar–but wait! You forgot Primal Scream! Don’t miss out on this hallowed Columbia tradition. Come to the front of Butler at midnight tonight (technically early Monday morning) to let out all your fears, desires, and stress. If you aren’t up to trekking over to the […]
In recent times, Bwog members have been horrified to see various members of the Columbia community using the Butler bathrooms to brush their teeth. What’s wrong with them? An obsession with oral hygiene? Bwogger Gabbie Kloppers investigates, and comes to the defense of the Butler Toothbrusher. It started with only one incidence, late one Sunday […]
Last night, Bwog was tipped about an incident that occurred in one of the Butler study rooms. It seems as if a freshman Snapchat enthusiast happened to look out of their dorm window and document a particularly interesting scene through the windows of the library. Now, we know what you’re thinking – “But Bwog, everything that happens in […]
During this trying time of finals, papers, and questioning every life decision you’ve ever made, Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets offers a single piece of advice: if you value your emotional well-being, don’t go to Butler. It’s that time of year again. You have an important choice to make: do you put your emotional health and well-being […]
There are plenty of things at Columbia that makes us say WTF, but the Butler water fountains have been on our minds as of late. Thirsty Staffer Emma Seely-Katz calls out the fountain drought of 2015. Many Columbia students have had to overcome some sort of adversity on the road to admittance. Is it really […]
A petition began circulating today against Columbia Dining, on account of its “arbitrary and racist policies,” co-written by Student Worker Solidarity (SWS) and Columbia Dining Workers. SWS and the dining workers state that they are not allowed to speak Spanish in front of students, nor eat in the Butler lounge during their breaks. These rules […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025