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Posts Tagged with "Bwog does math"

In the days of yore, the only food you could scarf down after a night of debauchery was (1) halal, (2) Koronet’s, or (3) Roti Roll, the holy trinity of grease-filled comfort food. As of this month, we can add a fourth destination for those stumbling home from a night out: JJ’s Place, revamped, revitalized, […]

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Midterms are here, so why not check out a new library? New staff writer Bella Tincher continues our library review series with the Mathematics Library.  Location: Math Building 303 Hours: Monday- Thursday, 9 am to 11 pm Friday, 9 am to 7 pm Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm Sunday, 11 am to 10 pm […]

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This bold and beautiful Earth Day got Bwog wondering: how does PrezBo measure up to the judging green eye of environmentalists?  We decided to dust off the old math textbook and do some calculations of our own.  Just how much CO2 does PrezBo emit as he drives along the Columbia campus? Assumptions: PrezBo travels back and forth […]

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Ever wonder how much you’re actually “sticking it to the man” when you grab a few extra supplies on your way out of the dining hall?  Maybe not, but we went ahead and investigated it for ourselves.  Read on to find out the extent of Bwog’s math skills as well as how much of your […]

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Ever had twenty-five Heights margaritas in one night? Bwog has, cumulatively. Kicking Bacchaweekend off right, the brave among us hit early happy hour last Thursday… and stayed there well into the next one. It was awkwardly empty, it was frighteningly crowded. It was strangely sober, it was blackout drunk. But most of all, it was […]

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Net Impact is a global organization that allows motivated leaders to connect with organizations already making a difference to some of today’s toughest global challenges. This evening, Net Impact Columbia will kick off its semester with an information session on how to get involved. To help you expand your culinary perspective south of the border south of central […]

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