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Posts Tagged with "library review"

Over the last month, Bwog has compiled 17 reviews of Columbia libraries around campus with the goal of promoting spaces other than Butler to the student body. With our project complete and midterms underway, we’d like to present one post with information from and links to every library review. Take a look at the specific […]

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In the last installment of our library review series, Bwog reviews Journalism Library, the smallest library on campus. This library might be considered a “hidden gem”, or it might be considered too small to bother with – you decide. Location: Pulitzer Hall, first floor. Go inside the Student Center and turn left. Hours: 10 am to […]

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Midterms are here, so why not check out a new library? New staff writer Bella Tincher continues our library review series with the Mathematics Library.  Location: Math Building 303 Hours: Monday- Thursday, 9 am to 11 pm Friday, 9 am to 7 pm Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm Sunday, 11 am to 10 pm […]

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In the interest of contrasting her industrial-modern experience from the other day, Bwog Bagel Amara Banks visited The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary. Below are some useful stats as well as her opinion of the library.  Location: 3041 Broadway, New York, NY, 10027. Right on the corner of 121st and Broadway Hours: Typically 9am-10pm on […]

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The only thing better than a cup of Joe coffee is riding the escalator upstairs to a modern/chic study space. Bwog editor Amara Banks continues our library review series with her take on the Science and Engineering library, located in Noco.  Location:  On the campus level of the Northwest Corner Building, 401 Northwest Corner Building 550 West […]

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Looking to get down to business? Bwog is here to help! This time around Bwog writer Jack Treanor reviews The Thomas J. Watson Library of Business and Economics. The Thomas J. Watson Library of Business and Economics Location: 130 Uris Hall, Campus Level Accessible Library Hours: Monday-Wednesday, 8 am to Midnight. Thursday 8 am to […]

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Bwog is back with yet another library review! If you want a warm and welcoming environment when studying for hours, change things up and stop at Avery. Everything from the main room to Brownie’s Café will make you want to visit this library again.  Avery at its core is a warm, communal, and artsier version of […]

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The Stacks can be pretty freakin’ scary. Once, I went there to get some LitHum books, and I felt this great, dark presence looming just over my shoulder. As part of our library review series, Bwog Staffer Timmy Wu reviews Columbia’s favorite haunt/sexy-time place where “the light could not reach.” Location: The core of Butler […]

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Our next library review takes you to our most used and well-known places of study: Butler Library. It’s nice to be adventurous every once and awhile, but when you’re in sweatpants and just need to get down to business, Butler always has your back.  Location: Eastern wing of the 6th floor of Butler. Accessible library. Hours: 9 […]

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Still haven’t found your study spot for this semester? Bwog’s here to help you find a spot that makes studying just a little bit more bearable. Bwog Newbie Jack Treanor reviews the C.V. Starr East Asian Library. Location: 300 Kent Hall, Entrance Level Accessible Library Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 am to 11 pm. Friday, 9 am to 7 pm. […]

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