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Posts Tagged with "Bwog on a Budget"

Here’s the trouble with the holidays: indulging in too many homemade, holiday treats – latkes, gelt, pecan pie, eggnog and the like – often results in no longer looking so svelte in the lovely argyle sweater Santa or the Hanukkah Armadillo brought for you.  And you know, eating healthy isn’t so bad.  What with Pink […]

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Classes are tough, the economy is bad, life is hard. But drinking is always good. Unfortunately in recent times, we’ve have seen our drinking habits suffer due to Columbia’s war on fun and the economy’s war on our wallets.   When a bar tab on any given night out easily runs upwards of $25, the simple […]

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Bwog on a Budget returns this week with a guide to making the most of your money and music collection. Downloading music can be confusing, risky, and worst of all, costly, so read this guide and amend your ways! Please let us know if we have left anything off the list! iTunes: The Exemplar Pros: […]

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The B-schoolers aren’t the only ones effected by the recent economic downturn.  It turns out undergrads are too! Instead of offering advice on how to save money, this week Bwog on a Budget returns with a special money-making feature.  The long and the short of it is simple: Bwog is broke.  Given our economic state, […]

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Yesterday, in search of relatively cheap and relatively nice-looking dorm room staples, Bwog spent the dreary afternoon at Ikea, Red Hook’s biggest and brightest mega-store. And while the Ikea Red Hook was a sight to behold, the overall experience was a minor success for Bwog’s dorm room and major’s set-back for Bwog’s budget.  Here are […]

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An easy way to save money is avoiding stuff that costs money. But since pretty much everything costs money, the key to balancing a normal lifestyle and your budget involves avoiding unnecessary expenses.  Haircuts can fall into the unnecessary expenses category for a while, but not forever.  And although you may only get a haircut […]

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