Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien. That’s literally it. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: Yes and Yes. Also a hall lounge. Kitchens are very nice and […]
Location: 508 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman. Same block as a bunch of frat/sorority houses and Broadway Residence Hall. Stores and restaurants: Nearly everything, especially on Amsterdam. Strokos is basically next door, and you’re just a short walk from HamDel, Artopolis, and Columbia Cottage. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Hogan, Watt, […]
Prepare to skip the lecture you never go to anyway—suite selection times are up, and yours probably conflicts with your schedule. In case the horror of viewing your lottery number over Spring Break caused you to suppress all memory of the Housing interwebz, here’s how to find your oddly-scheduled (12:06 pm? Really?) selection time: Log onto […]
Location: 47 Claremont Nearby dorms: Relatively far from other Columbia dorms. Elliot and 600s are close though. Stores and restaurants: Morton Williams is the closest option. Westside’s a considerable schlep. But Fairway is only a short walk away. Starbucks, M2M, and the Halal carts are all frequented, but kiss Chipotle goodbye. You can order in, […]
Location: Bottom of 115th street, at 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, Pinnacle Cost: $8,324 (same as Watt and Hogan) Amenities: Bathrooms: Each double has its very own! AC/Heating: No A/C, yes heat. Sometimes the heat is spotty which you can only really feel if you have windows […]
But what does my number mean? Once the school-wide distribution of lottery numbers was released yesterday, the answer to this became much clearer, sorta. Below, Bwog has broken down the numbers a bit to show how Housing 2011 differs from yesteryear. In response to your many queries and quandries, we offer some analysis of how […]
Location: 605-615 W. 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: UPS Store (yay!), the best Halal cart, Lerner, Morton Williams, M2M, Uni Cafe Cost: $6,718 (same as Wien, McBain, Broadway) Amenities: Bathrooms: Floor bathrooms. Relatively small and gross. AC/Heating: Air conditioning and heat. Kitchen/Lounge: Every floor has a new-ish lounge with a kitchen, […]
Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: HamDel, food cart Cost: $6,718. (Same as McBain, Schapiro and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms. AC/Heating: No A/C. Pleeeenty of heat. Heaters also make a lot of noise. Kitchen/Lounge: Lounges on 5, 7, […]
And let us do it for you! The distribution of lottery numbers came out today, and some of us have zebra lines burned into our eyes from counting groups on those PDFs. But no more worries! Below is a housing “calculator” that lets you know how many groups of your size will go before you. […]
Today was the day lottery numbers were supposed to go up. Instead Housing broke your heart a few days early. Not to worry though, today still offers plenty in housing drama! Barnard Lottery Numbers They’re out! Log onto Res Life Portal to find out your number/fate. Breakdown of Lottery Numbers Check out PDFs with charts […]
Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman. Worth noting that Broadway shares an entrance with Hogan. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Cost: $6,718 (same as Furnald, McBain, Schapiro, Wien) […]
Location: 566 W. 114th Nearby dorms: Broadway, Ruggles, Carman. Worth noting that Hogan shares an entrance with the Broadway residence hall, so occupants get similar amenities to Broadway. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Cost: $8,324 (same as […]
Location: 549 W. 113th Street Nearby dorms: Across the street from Symposium and McBain. Next to (but on the opposite side of the block from) Broadway and Hogan. Stores and restaurants: All the same locations as McBain and Nussbaum. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Ruggles, Hogan, Woodbridge) Amenities: Bathrooms: Individual bathrooms in each suite/single. AC/Heating: […]
Housing lottery numbers are up a few days early! To find out your number: Log onto StarRez Go to “Applications” Select the application for Academic Year 11-12 Find your lotto number under “Registration Summary” Weep. (Or rejoice!) Pop! via Flickr
Location: 544 W. 110 St, between Amsterdam and Broadway Nearby dorms: Near the College Residence (Barnard, with some Columbia students) Stores and restaurants: A few doors down from D’Agostino’s and across the street from Westside. One block from Chase, Verizon, Rite Aid and Duane Reade. Harmony is the closest dorm to Absolute Bagels, the […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025