A self-procalimed “sorority princess” finds unorthodox benefits to her Sonicare. In Daily Intel’s latest installment of their Sex Diary series, “the sorority girl with breast implants,” who hails from our very own Morningside Heights, shares her salacious stories. We (along with numerous tipsters) have deduced from the quips about Health Services’ unavailability and monogamy as […]
While the lucky among us are having either stressful finals sex, or fuck-it-I’m-graduating-and-I-ain’t-doing-it-a-virgin sex, our noble collegiate mascots have their own erotic story of deprivation and degradation to tell. An anonymous author shares the first part of this Bwog-exclusive series. There will be flirting, foreplay, sex, and hopefully playful “experimentation” between roommates. But before you send this […]
In the latest installment of BwogSex, two intrepid students take SGO from a place for business to a place for business time. Don’t forget to send in your sexy questions, sultry comments and erotic (mis)adventures to our annoymous submission box. Publications and student government groups, please forgive me: I had sex in SGO. “Why? How?” you may ask, and I shall […]
Hi all, Over the past week, we’ve been flooded with personals submissions and nominations. Love is in the air…or somewhere. Anyways, we’ve really enjoyed playing cupid, but now it’s time to put down the bow and arrow. Personals get kinda boring after a while, and we can’t afford to keep shelling out $10. All is […]
It’s a rather glum day outside, but nothing will cure a case of the Mondays like tales of sex. In this case, we mean tales of loud, sweaty (and possibly angry) sex! The following is the year’s first installment in what we simply call BwogSex; a collection of questions, answers, anecdotes, advice and erotic miscellany. […]
Nothing helps a body unwind from a tiresome first week back at school like sex! Well, this isn’t sex, but it’s the second best thing: allow us to present the third installment in our new and improved BwogSex feature. The following contemplations by Kia Walton were written in response to a question left in our […]
I took my suffering cock in my right hand and positioned it near her sacred opening, the key to life, the promised land, I'd been told.
Belle Jar has been busy for the last, oh, two months. But she’s back, this time tackling that most challenging of the bedroom arts: cunnilingus. As always, send comments, questions, and propositions to bwogsex@gmail.com. To any straight man reading this: count yourself lucky, because it won’t happen again. It’s no small thing for a lesbian […]
You’ll never know who she is, but you’ll read her anyway. Send questions, propositions, and fan mail to bwogsex@gmail.com. Welcome to the Belle Jar. I dedicate this Valentines Day to Lisa Nowak. Some people can go the distance for love. Walking across campus last night, I counted eight guys and girls carrying flowers to their […]
You’ll never know who she is, but you’ll read her anyway. Send questions, propositions, and fan mail to bwogsex@gmail.com. Welcome to the Belle Jar. Singles Awareness Day (February 14) approaches and already, I overheard someone bitching about lacking a date. Problems like this are often best dealt with by reminding the offender about Darfur or […]
Everyone and their sister (publication) has a sex columnist these days, and–being the blatantly imitative blog that we are–Bwog decided to get one of its own. There’s a lot we could say about this nameless muse…but we’ll let her introduce herself. Welcome to the Belle Jar. Update, 1/23, 8:38 PM: You can e-mail the Belle […]
Every once in a while, we feel the need to draw your attention to a piece that carries eternal resonance. You may have read Blue and White alum Chris Beam’s piece before, it may be new, but it’s getting around to Butler season, and we can always use a little reminder that the library can […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025