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Posts Tagged with "bwogweather"

The only thing saltier than the ground is my mood.

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Much like your peers, you may have taken a well-deserved, month-long, post-finals nap.  Perhaps you’re feeling disconnected from the Columbia community as of late.  Luckily, Bwog doesn’t sleep very much.   Broadway Lobby gets a grassy makeover for Summer! The sports season may be over for the Columbia Lions, but Lions Basketball star Brian Barbour and […]

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Bweatherman Pat Blute taught us to love the weather, but sometimes it takes advantage of us. After floods ravaged Australia in January, Pat decided to take the semester off to help the victims. Somehow along the way, he got stranded on a deserted island with wild goats. Poisonous ants devoured Pat, and his leg fell […]

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One night in September, Bwog went to visit Zak. “Zak,” we asked, knowing of his video-production proficiency, “could you maybe help us film for this absurd weather show we’re trying to do? Because we have no idea what we’re doing.” Zak said okay. The next morning, Pat and Zak met to film the first BwogWeather. […]

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HOLIDAY CHEER! Special thanks to XMAS 5! A Corporate Carol – go see it next Monday night! Also thanks to Eli Grober for playing guitar, Wallen and D’Offit for vocals, Matt Star for orchestration, John Nordin, Eduardo Santana and Nathan Bailey for dancing, Bwog staff for helping with lyrics and Kenny Durrell for his filming talents.

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Rejoice! Bwog did its homework this weekend instead of writing posts so you have your BwogWeather early today.

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BwogWeather gets dangerous. Thank you to James Fletcher, Cape Air, Roger Lemery of North Country Auto Rentals, Henry Jones, Jeremy Pfau, Jake Smith, Jake’s siblings Caleb and Rebekah, and the City Council Board of Tourism for Lebanon, NH.

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BwogWeather was hungry this week. Special thanks to Arvin Ahmadi, AJ Garcia, Wilma, Columbia Dining Services, Victoria Dunn, Aaron Gomes, and congratulations to our new BwogWeather intern, Pauline Baudon.  

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BwogWeather took a road trip this week. Thanks to Kenny Durrell for hanging out, Caesar’s Palace letting us film, and to Pink Martini for the free concert.

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It’s Halloween! Celebrate by learning this week’s weather forecast with Pat and Zak. Thanks to Pauline Baudon for filming.

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It’s time to take midterms. The weather knows that. Thanks to Pauline Baudon for filming.

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THE WEATHER! Special thanks to Franz Kogler, Chowdah, and CTV.

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This week, the weather goes underwater and then plays squash racquetball. Special thanks to our football team for winning three games in a row, Shira Laucharoen for lending us the camera, John Nordin for the underwater camera, Jackie Smith for filming, and Tiffany Lee aka Vis à Vis. Check out her non-BwogWeather music here. Onward, Weather-Friends!

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Remember when? It’s back again! The weather…it’s everywhere!

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You guys know the thing about the weather, right? It never sleeps.

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