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Posts Tagged with "ryan mandelbaum"

Fortunately, PrezBo’s hair weathered the extreme heat of today’s College graduation ceremonies. A little after 9:30 am today, the class of 2013 marched with their gowns sticking to their sweaty under thighs. The Salutatorian, Yoshiaki Ko, made the first speech of the morning, discussing the “nexus” that Low Steps become when it’s nice out and […]

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Listen up, seniors: it’s your Class Prez! Name, Hometown, School: Ryan “_________” Mandelbaum, Cedarhurst, New York, Columbia College Claim to fame? I’m “the fat one in the Carman video,” “the study guide guy,” “the email guy,” and “the sweater guy.” You may have seen me standing on a canoe in the Delaware River or on the radiator […]

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As commenters and tipsters made sure to repeatedly let us know, the last episode of CUMB’s sensual sundays came out yesterday. It was an elaborate, funny homage to Columbia’s favorite Facebook page, CU Admirers (may it rest in peace). And to top it off, it’s off of R. Kelly’s “Ignition.” It’s too much swag for […]

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New York Magazine took a look into the college student’s most beloved/despised summer activity: the internship!  The magazine’s interns surveyed 100 other interns around NYU, FIT, and Columbia.  Our own CC 2013 president (and up-and-coming rapper) Ryan Mandelbaum, Max Bartick, Erin Flynn, and Anogie Joseph-Erameh  are photographed alongside other Columbians. Think you had more menial […]

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N*ggas in Ferris

For your Sunday night viewing pleasure, enjoy this politically correctly titled video starring our very own Ferris made by some of our own esteemed colleagues! It’s good.

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Free pastries at the Wien and Shapiro security desks, courtesy CCSC ’13. According to an anonymous tipster, “They’re really good, I am currently eating one.” Image via Ryan Mandelbaum, CC ’13

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This week, Bwog visited another PowerSuite where high-ranking student government officials, an established social justice leader, a master volleyball instructor, and a music connoisseur all reside. While other politicians fail at their pizza eating skills, Ruggles #109-114 is home to masters of the craft. Raphaelle Debenedetti and Mahima Chablani report. When Bwog arrived at Snuggles (yes, they were responsible for this) #109-114, […]

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CCSC: One More Time

Bwog is your exclusive source for CCSC Secret Santa news. Grant D’Avino reports from last night’s festivities. Not much official business took place at CCSC last night. In the words of Learned Foote, “We have one resolution, and then we have pie.” The council began with a brief discussion of the resolution to install publication […]

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One night in September, Bwog went to visit Zak. “Zak,” we asked, knowing of his video-production proficiency, “could you maybe help us film for this absurd weather show we’re trying to do? Because we have no idea what we’re doing.” Zak said okay. The next morning, Pat and Zak met to film the first BwogWeather. […]

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Everything Is OK

There was a full rainbow stretching from Hamilton to Low (and seen all around campus) just a few minutes ago. Lovely! We hope you are done with midterms. Thanks to Ryan Mandelbaum for the first photo.

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Harry and the Potters are coming to Columbia. Yes, they’re a real band—kind of like a wizardy version of They Might Be Giants. Anywho, the sophomores of CCSC decided to make a video about the upcoming Potterpalooza. Ryan Mandelbaum stars as a super badass Harry, and Deaton Jones plays a menacing Malfoy. Bwog was a […]

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