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Posts Tagged with "cc"

Dear Bwog, I’ve been having serious cravings lately. I really miss home-cooked meals and the tastes that I am accustomed to. All the food here is too colorful. But do you know what I’m really missing? Some good, ole-fashioned, sweaty white dick. Yours, cheesecake lover Dear Cheesecake lover, Don’t ever feel like you’re alone! Columbia […]

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Deep in the abyss of John Jay Hall, a star is born. Just kidding, she was born in 1997. However, her highly-anticipated EP, Blood Girl, was not. In fact, Blood Girl was birthed from the fiery womb of creativity just about one month after its creator, Rachel Roth, arrived on Columbia’s campus. Rachel Roth, who […]

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Ever wonder what getting hired to teach a Core class as a grad student is like? Bwog’s own Monday Daily Lili Brown sat down with Nathan Schumer, a grad student hired to teach CC in the fall, and asked some stellar questions that get to the CORE (great pun!!) of the interview process. Check it […]

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Have you been feeling reflective about the Core? Feel like some work of humanities has inspired you so deeply that you’re willing to submit a piece of work for the chance at $200? Were you really busy recently but aren’t anymore? Then you should be partying like it’s 1999 because the deadline for Core Reflections […]

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CC major declaration is around the corner (March 10-13th), which means that this is a grand time for sophomores to watch all of their friends oscillate between English, Anthropology, Art History, and that Stats degree their dad’s friend from high school thought they should get—only to end up declaring Political Science or Econ, of course. Don’t […]

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As CC major declaration looms approaches, a number of departments are hosting open houses for students to meet and discuss their prospective major(s).  While you might have missed Drama & Theatre Arts on Monday (whoops), check out the schedule of all the other open houses.  Go to find out more about your major and harass […]

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Columbia releases all announcements on Friday mornings, including one from a few minutes ago that states that effective immediately, CC and SEAS (and a similar email was also sent out to GS students)  “will no longer provide registration credit (R credit) on academic transcripts to note that a student has participated in an internship.” Columbia […]

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Hometown heroes Vampire Weekend took to Reddit this morning to promote their brand spanking new album, Modern Vampires of the City. Along with vital topics like salmon shorts selection and Ezra Koenig’s cameo on Girls, the bandmates also upped our collective street cred by chatting about Columbia for a bit. Turns out either Chris Baio or Chris Tomson didn’t […]

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A source close to Professor Ellsberg has informed us that the majority of students suspected of cheating in the so-called “Barnard Cheating Scandal” are actually men and women from Columbia College.  Of the 123 students, only around a fifth of the students have been specifically marked out as having cheated–and Ellsberg has a list of […]

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Still cramming for LitHum and CC? Did you fall asleep last night before you could finish reading Crime and Punishment? Bwog is here to help with another oldie-but-goodie from reading periods past. It all began when Bwog overheard this conversation: Freshman Girl: Hey, so how did Pride and Prejudice end? Freshman Boy: Oh, they get […]

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In light of the fact that your CC final is tomorrow, and you’ve decided to take up a new television show been studying rigorously for the past three days, here is another reminder that you’re screwed prepared.

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A CC student at a bar finds a practical application for his reading: No more talking to guys, no more talking to ugly girls—let’s be Machiavellian. Sooo.. it sounds like Ted isn’t the only HIMYM character to hang around Morningside.

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We’re confident you know the canon inside and out, but it’s our duty as you scramble together your mechanical pencils, graphing calculator, and Naked protein shakes (you never know…) to remind you that holy shit! You forgot something: Update: Okay fine, but we always post this! Sorry to play tricks on you, but we hope […]

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Peter Sterne was there! Elizabeth Lyon, the salutatorian, was first up to the mic. She began by invoking Meno to explain why she did poorly in LitHum: she knew she couldn’t solve the big problems so she avoided confronting them, which didn’t jibe with her professor. Eventually, she realized that Columbians should still wrestle with […]

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While an official announcement hasn’t been made yet, multiple tipsters have confirmed to us the lucky pair: Valedictorian: Margot Lazow Salutatorian: Elizabeth Lyon Margot is a Biochemistry major and the president of the CU American Medical Students Association; she’ll tell you all about applying to med school the right way. Elizabeth is a Classics major […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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