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Posts Tagged with "ch-ch-ch-changes"

As fall break comes to an end, Columbia’s lawns shed their green grass, adopting instead their winter coat of white plastic tarp.

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Filed under new developments: the Africana Studies program at Barnard was elevated to a Department this past week. The announcement on the Barnard website says, Barnard announced this week that the College is elevating its popular Africana Studies Program to a full academic department, a move that comes just months after Africana studies celebrated its […]

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As Bwog reported nearly a week ago, 1020 has raised its prices by a staggering 100 percents. Yes, that means no more $2 Yuenglings and Rolling Rocks.  Between this and the new bathroom changes, it’s almost like 1020 is becoming a legitimate bar for grown-up human beings, and not just for thousands of college seniors […]

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So: on Sept. 21, the (former) co-editors of Quarto sent out an email blast announcing two things: (a) Quarto was”currently on hold”, and (b) a new magazine called 4×4, “a literary project from the editors of Quarto,” was starting. Curious, Bwog met with Aliza Polkes and Sarina Bhandari, former Quarto co-editors and current 4×4 co-editors. Here’s what’s […]

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Victims of the hell that is Columbia class registration on SSOL, your experience is about to get a little bit easier. Triumphantly presented a few days ago by Barry Kane, God of the Registrar, SSOL now boasts a wish list AND a wait list, which Bwog learned are two vitally different things. The wish list […]

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In an email early this summer, Interim Dean of Student Affairs Terry Martinez announced some administrative reshuffling: Student Development and Activities and the Office of Civic Action and Engagement would be merged into a new office, called the Office of Student Engagement. That’ll  be under Associate Dean of Student Affairs Todd Smith-Bergollo. Also included in the email […]

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About A Bwog

Bwog’s just changed a big part of itself — don’t worry, we don’t have another fabulous new redesign in the works. We’ve created a new About Us page that is actually about us! If you mosey over to the top of our site, you’ll see a little link on the upper right-hand corner that says […]

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Bwog sent our top agent, Maren Killackey, to Sunday night’s exciting CSCC meeting. This is her report. Though initially excited – yes, excited – about the number of audience members at the CCSC meeting, my joy subsided to a disappointing realization that most people were only there to get their elections formed signed. ‘Tis the […]

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Bye Bye Card Catalog

Half of the space in Butler 310 that was taken up by the card catalog is now occupied by new neat-o desks and chairs for studying. Which is a good thing, since apparently the catalog hadn’t been updated since 1985. You can go ahead and leave your condolences for this dying and painfully time-consuming research […]

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As may have come to your attention, the newly pastel lobby of East Campus transformed further over winter break, boasting new flora and cushy-yet-trendy lounge seating. In order to investigate the potential benefits of the new set-up, we reviewed the shocking decor in the most realistic manner possible: drunk. Our pregaming consists of hurried shots […]

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At their December 5th meeting, the Activities Board (ABC) resolved to commit their efforts during Spring semester to a comprehensive reform of the structure and policies of the Board. The most significant immediate impact of this process is that, in order to redirect their efforts toward reform, the Appeal and New Group Recognition processes will […]

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Goodbye Rack & Soul

After six years of faithfully dishing up feel-good Southern food, Rack & Soul is turning off its ovens and closing its doors. The 109th Street establishment endeared many in both of its past locations with its ribs, fried chicken, and biscuits. The owner, Michael Eberstadt, broke the news with a sign. Mouth-watering meat via Shutterstock

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Morningside Heights has slowly been transforming into a spooky place for the holiday season. Bwog endured the fright caused by this metamorphosis to snatch some photos of the changes.

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In the official email announcement this morning, PrezBo stated that Nicholas Lemann, Dean of the J-School, will not seek another five-year term. During his ten years as dean, Lemann oversaw “fundraising and capital improvements” such as in the new broadcast studio, student center, and café. Working with faculty and the broader community of people interested in the […]

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Barnard’s Student Government Association meets every week, and every week we send our best Barnard bear Renée Kraiem to bear witness. This is her report: Last night’s Rep Council meeting, which occurred sans administrative guest and a sizable portion of representatives celebrating the most recent Jewish holiday to fall on a Monday. These factors opened […]

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Thank you Sahmaya Busby for your very thoughtful and nuanced review of my recent concert. It is very moving to (read more)
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i LOVED this article!! Can’t wait to read more from these authors (read more)
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Lloyd Dobler is amazing. You should definitely watch Say Anything! (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
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IM DEADDD (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
September 15, 2024

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