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Posts Tagged with "ch-ch-ch-changes"

First everyone’s favorite sandwich shop is closed for remodeling, and now everyone’s favorite dining hall the place you thought would be like Hogwarts until you tried the food is getting a makeover too. We saw some improvements on John Jay at the beginning of last semester, but it would appear that big changes are still to come. […]

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First Amy leaves, and now it appears that HamDel is undergoing unexplained cosmetic surgery. What will be next? Limited hours with a breathalyzer test at the door? A man can only handle so much change.

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Bloomberg’s recent proposal that aims to lure top engineering universities around the world to New York with a pledge of $100 million to be put towards a new campus (either on Governor’s Island, Roosevelt Island, or the Brooklyn Navy Yard) has universities across the country scrambling to send in their applications.  Big names that have […]

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Without even an announcement, the powers that be have seriously revamped the Dodge Fitness Center! Bwog thought the changes were so substantial they deserved more than a mere Boringside mention. Last week, we (Emily) posted on how to comport yourself in Pupin’s congested underbelly, and, sure enough, the space was promptly spruced. Pure speculation: perhaps the […]

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Over the summer, Bwog shed a silent tear when the acronym for Columbia Engineering was changed from “SEAS to “CE.” All hope seemed lost when the powers that be  drilled the inferior acronym into our youngest minds. But the tides turn for the better! A tipster forwarded us the following email this morning from Margaret […]

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Lindsay Lohan Representative Charles Rangel gatecrashed Rick Perry’s NYC fundraiser. Rangel’s opinion? “He’s tall and he’s from Texas.” [Politico] The Times has plenty to say about the much maligned Ahmadinejad dinner. They even talked to Hornsby! [Opinionator] People are wondering why Barnard fell so far in the USNWR rankings. [Spec] NYC might be getting a […]

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Every graduating glass goes through an experience that is uniquely theirs, but it seems like the Engineering Class of 2015 is pioneering an uncanny amount of firsts. Their school was introduced to them as “CE” and not “SEAS,” and they are now taking a Gateway course that is a radically different from what their older […]

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CCSC met formally for the first time of the year. Seasoned student council buff Brian Wagner and our newest addition to the bureau, Maren Killackey, CC’15, were there to smile and wave politely. The new student council, led by President Aki Terasaki, introduced themselves to each other and onlookers. To get to know each other […]

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The powers that be have bulldozed the thicket between Hamilton and John Jay and replaced it with this sandy, serene seating area. You can even see the rake marks in the gravel—like an oversized Zen Garden. But the manicured landscape has left us craving less cultivated wildlife. Bwog proposes a guerilla gardening group. Side note: […]

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Though changes in Dining aren’t as drastic as last year’s, some business is going on, and we think there are some bits in here you’ll like. JJ will offer new items such as “sandwiches and sliders at the Pizza Station, and new specialty burger and sandwich options at the grill.” JJ’s Place will have expanded hours […]

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The Very Hungry ATM

Like a fuzzy caterpillar wrapping itself into a cocoon, Lerner’s Citibank outpost asked us to pardon its appearance for a few weeks this summer while it was busy becoming a butterfly. Our shiny new friend has finally emerged from behind those temporary walls and fluttered its wings for the first time. The butterfly/bank, featuring updated […]

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Carpet Diem

Here are the things you could do at Koronet’s last semester: Gorge yourself on giant pizza slices Use the awning as a smoking haven when it’s raining out, you want a cigarette, and the Mel’s bouncers are being particularly ornery Abuse the parmesan cheese and red pepper flake station Here are the things you can […]

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The summer has been anything but dull in Morningside Heights. Perhaps the biggest news of all was the closing of H&H bagels, just downriver at 80th St. H&H was frequently cited as the top rival to our clearly superior Absolute for the best bagels on the Upper West Side, if not the entire city. Perhaps […]

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It was announced today that Melissa Smey, Director of Miller Theatre, will be taking over leadership of Columbia’s Arts Initiative. In his university-wide e-mail, PrezBo praised Smey’s work in revamping Miller’s agenda — remember Sonic Youth? — which we chronicled in our profile of her in the November issue of The Blue & White. Bollinger, […]

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More boring-but-sorta-important administration news: PrezBo just sent word that Carlos J. Alonso, interim dean of GSAS since last September, will take on that position full time. Full email from ‘Bo below. Also, apparently, “Arts and Sciences always have been, and remain, central to our academic calling of pursuing answers.” So there’s that. Dear Fellow Members […]

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a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
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this is such a great article! (read more)
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beautiful anthropologie like $30 bowl they dont make anymore...... the thief is evil (read more)
The River Hall Bowl Thief: A Hate Letter
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